My teenage years were exactly what they were supposed to be. Everybody has their own path. It's laid out for you. It's just up to you to walk it.

As time goes by people will see who I am for who I am.

The worst thing about being famous is the invasion of your privacy.

The best part about being alone is that you really don't have to answer to anybody. You do what you want.

I can honestly say I am a Christian, but my spirituality has been developed on the road and is based on my experiences with God.

I'm living my dream.

Sometimes a guy is going to get you here and there, you compete. He is getting paid just like you're getting paid, and he is a competitor just like you are. But if a guy can just stop me a whole game by himself, and I can't do nothing about it or I'm fatiguing or I'm not strong throughout the whole game, then it's time for me to hang them up.

All I can give is everything I got and that's it; that's all you can ask from a guy is his all.

I just kind of do my own thing. I'm not trying to be like nobody else or nothing like that. Like when I travel, everybody's like, go to Dubai, it's a new thing. I can go to Dubai, but I'm not going to just because I'm not trying to go where everybody is going.

I've had a lot of success by myself, but it's not good when you can't go and accomplish things as a team and have success as a team.

I know you can't play this game 100 percent. It's very rare that you can be able to play this game at 100 percent. You can do one thing; you can't do both: You can't pray and then worry at the same time. I pray, and that's it. And then I just go play. Whatever happens, happens.

For me, a lot of people don't even challenge me at the line. If a guy were to come up and challenge me, I'm down for it.

When you're tired, you've got to focus. Everybody can go through the motions. But you've got to focus, too, when you're tired.

At the end of the day, I just want to win football games.

I promise you I'm going to make more plays than I drop.

I was very lucky to get drafted into the situation I came into. I could have gone somewhere where other guys would resent me because they want the ball.

I could do whatever I put my mind to.

You've got to take care of yourself, man. There's a lot of stuff going around here nowadays with cancer and hormones and things like that they're putting in a lot of foods. You've got to be real careful and stay as healthy as possible.

I don't have an offseason workout regimen. I don't lift weights. I don't run. I don't do anything. I let my body rest. I just eat good. I actually eat great.

I don't eat fried stuff. I don't eat red meats. And now with stuff like sugar, I don't crave it.

There's a lot of people in this world that definitely need leadership, and they don't know where to look for it.

When I make catches and do things, it's routine for me because I expect those things when it's my time to shine.

Well, for me, I don't need validation from no one to tell me what type of player I am or number to tell me throughout the year what type of player I am. It's all about your ability to go out there and just compete.

One play don't define a game.