You've got to go out there and play the game the way it's supposed to be played. Then you get people to like you and appreciate your work by just going out there and competing every down. Jerry Rice was looked at in that perspective. He went out there and was a hard-working guy. He was going to give it his all.

I just try to work on me and make the game fun.

Jerry Rice, he's one of the best to ever do it.

You can't hang your head if you go out there and give it your all... If you are giving it your all, that's all you have.

You can't let games define who you are and your character as a player.

I've had a lot of success by myself, but it's not good when you can't go accomplish things as a team.

I'm a veteran guy. I know how to play the game. I know what it takes. Me missing a day of practice doesn't mean anything.

I don't watch football like outside of football, really.

I don't fault anyone for stepping away from the game.

I was usually a water type of guy. But Vita Coco is good for hydration as well.

My mother has always supported me through life and football. She pushes me to get better and is my biggest fan on and off the field.

I try to get better every day, and I think the hard work has helped turn me into a better person and not someone who would get a big head.

My thing is, going into a game, it's a team game. It's just not me.

I already know Cover 3, Cover 2, everything else. But it's a lot of times, defenses try to take you away and they do certain things that you wouldn't be ready for.

Ric, I feel like he hasn't changed up for no one. He's been the same since Day 1, since he was in the limelight as a pro wrestler. Even now, just his mentality and who he is: Find who you are and just be that. He's always being him. That's what I admire the most about Ric Flair.

People are always going to talk down or bad about you. You can't let that stuff determine what kind of player I am going to be.

You are always going to have critics.

When I first got to the NFL, I didn't see no double coverage at all. I was getting single coverage. I was killing it. Then they were, 'all right, this guy can play and we have to double this guy.' Since probably like the 11th or 12th game my rookie year, I started to get double-teamed.

Every day I come to work, and I work on everything. Whether it's across the middle, in the backfield, running deep routes. Whatever the case may be.

I feel like I am the best receiver in the league.

We gotta execute, and our guys have to be on the same page and play 100 percent.

We can't get bored. We have to prepare like we're playing the best team in the NFL.

I'm not going to put myself in a situation to hurt the team.

You're going to get little nagging injuries here and there from the game.