I like Telecasters because they are so versatile.

One thing I'm super aware of in my music when I'm writing is: 'Am I overcomplicating this?' I'll write a song about some deep existential quandary and explore all these dumb thought waves, and then think 'Is it effective to say that? Or is it effective to say one simple thing that communicates the feeling better?'

I don't like to believe in canon.

I think people learn best and are more engaged when it's just normal relatable situations that illustrate the principles they're discussing.

Sometimes, what's helpful is to admit that we are discouraged and admit that we are at a loss.

Sometimes, it feels artificial to try to come up with a solution to something that none of us know how to solve.

All my heroes are teachers.

Tolerance exists.

There are so many people in Memphis who have real reasons to be angsty, but I was just a suburban white kid with all this misplaced rage.

There are still men in the professional or behind the scenes world that are controlling women to build credibility.

Painting with broad strokes, I feel like a lot of journalism makes it out to be like the collective consciousness has a finite imagination for multiple women at one time in a similar genre.

I stan my friends!

Me at parties: 'Like, do you want to know the historical context of the prophet Jeremiah?'

I adopted this idea whether I was going to end up making music for three people in a bar or Wembley Stadium, I was always going to do music.

I don't think I'll ever get that tour ennui. Just getting to visit New York and all these different places - I'm always so excited to look at the window. I look like a crazy tourist stumbling around... 'This is beautiful.'

There are bands who write of emotions that are very heartbreaking, touching, or relatable, but they'll be like concept records, they're about fictional characters.

Everyone I know has a predilection for sharing words.

I'm Type A to a fault.

With my first high school band ever, we would have these breaks in the song for idiotic solos, solos that were un-tasteful and would be shredding, but I needed to put them in there, and I realize now it's because we were playing shows with a whole bunch of bands that were all male.

When I first started playing guitar, I would sit in my room for hours and learn scales.

I'm not losing the wonder in playing music.

I make sure I'm appreciative and can an encounter the world in a humble way.

I do not want to make art and then try to dictate how people use it, or how people interact with it.

I don't think that you can just walk through life without all of your experiences informing your perspective on the world.