I left Starbucks in 2015. When I was younger, I remember looking at Justin Bieber and wishing I had all these fans, but you know what? Everyone has their path, everyone's path is different, and this is where mine's going. I just didn't want to work at Starbucks. I wanted to be writing music all the time.

I met Sade! I performed 'Blue Lights' at one of Drake's shows in London, and I met her backstage. She told me her son is a big fan. That was a moment when I was like, 'Wow.'

I want to be worldwide, international, in everyone's ears, and everyone listening to what I'm saying, because I think I say some good stuff.

I write all of my music.

Michael Jackson was a Gemini. Kanye, Lauryn Hill, a lot of people that are amazing artists are Geminis.

I did classical singing at school. I did exams in that. I'd sing soprano, and we'd sing in German; we'd do Schubert for my pieces, in Latin, French... I really enjoyed that. I kind of miss it.

It's very special that I can go through things - and write them down and record them - and so many people can relate. Not everybody can get out who they are and really feel better after they write.

I was a bit late on Erykah Badu, but I don't think you can really be late on music. You discover it whenever; music is timeless.

Good music is timeless, and if you create with that honesty, it will last.

I didn't look like Rihanna. I was a bit chubby. I had puppy fat. I had a moustache. I didn't want to have lips; I didn't want a bum. I grew out of it, but I feel like everyone went through that phase of wanting to be skinny.

Chill? I can't chill. I find it so difficult to sit still.

Musical theatre is, for sure, my first love.

Coming out of 'Hamilton,' my patriotic spirit and love for my country is renewed. I think that's the case for a lot of people. It instills a newly revitalized spirit in terms of learning about the formation of our country.

I'm an artist through and through.

My upbringing in Birmingham gave me a sense of reality. I could not pick another city I would rather have grown up in. Growing up around really good, solid, godly people, it helped me to find those kind of great people in L.A., too, which can be hard for some people.

I'd love to one day win an Oscar just as much as one day I'd like to win a Grammy.

I love to perform. I love live shows.

I get a lot of my inspiration from the Jackson 5 and Luther Vandross.

I grew up saying that I love humans, but I love dogs much, much more.

As a species, I think if we could be half as good as dogs, I think the world would be a much better place.

I am adopted, and I am so grateful for my story, and that's what makes me who I am.

In the '90s, I was the only kid around that looked like me.

I grew up dreaming of being on Broadway and being able to do that - and 'Hamilton' - was awesome, and it was the hardest thing for the first few weeks, and then it was the easiest thing.

Being able to invest in my community and invest in areas that people might not really know about and monuments that people might not know about in their own backyard is a great opportunity.