When everyone tells you, 'No, no, no,' your creative forces get a little twisted and turn into something more apocalyptic than ever.

The first mask I had was an original pale-white kabuki mask.

I didn't quit Slipknot. I would never have quit Slipknot, ever.

Life takes you down weird paths.

When someone's in the hospital - be it a family member or anyone that has something wrong with them - if you love 'em, then you visit them.

Man, failure was not an option whatsoever, 'cause I'm here to play music - that's what I've been put on earth for.

Slipknot will never die. As long as we're together, it just won't. When it's time for us to end, we'll know when it's time.

When you have the power of music within your soul and your heart, nothing can stop you.

'Master of Reality' rules; it's one of my favorite records of all time. It has some of the most evil riffs on it - and some of the sexiest riffs as well.

Without Metallica, we wouldn't have a lot of the bands that we have now.

What made me want to play drums in the first place was Led Zeppelin and The Who. My parents had their records, and I grew up listening to them with the stereo cranked.

I saw Kiss on 'The Dick Clark Show' in, like, 1980 or something, and 'Kiss Alive!' was the first record of theirs I had.

Without Slipknot, I would not necessarily be where I am today.

What's cool about making music is when you create a record, it comes from somewhere.

With me, I would never lose my sight of music.

I lie more with drums and the more heavy and darker aspects of music.

I got really, really sick with a horrible disease called transverse myelitis; I lost my legs. I couldn't play anymore. It was a form of multiple sclerosis, which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

I play guitar all the time, and I'm constantly thinking of songs... Every time I pick up a guitar, I come up with different riffs, all different bands I've been in. Sometimes there is a song or riff that could only belong with Slipknot, and I just can't use it for anything else, regardless of whatever happened.

I have a ton of Slipknot demos that I have at home. Maybe some day they'll surface; maybe they'll never be heard, but I don't translate them to any other band: they still stay in the Slipknot safe. I won't use them for anyone else besides Slipknot, if that ever happens again.

Without Metallica, I wouldn't play the way that I do.

No matter what comes your way, being a musician, you will never, ever learn to play it all.

You can't think about what other people think. You just can't. It's stupid. You've got to look inside yourself.

I suffered from asthma when I was a kid.

I think that no matter how old you get, you are always learning about yourself.