I'm a self-loathing slide player. Some people like the way I play slide - I hate it.

That's right, I take vocal lessons - done it for years. There's nothing wrong with it.

Greece is so beautiful and inspiring.

My goal for 'Black Rock' was pretty simple: I wanted to make the feel-good record of the summer.

There are good '59 Les Pauls, and there are not-so-good ones. There are ones that are just OK, that don't sustain as well.

I've always been a fan of the five-speed transmission - on anything.

When you go into a situation, and you're honest and straight-up about something, you put all your cards on the table.

I collect as many acoustic guitars as I need for a specific purpose. Acoustic guitars are really just tools for me.

Carnegie was a life-long dream because I was a born New Yorker. I was born in upstate New York, and we've played Radio City, and we've played The Beacon, but Carnegie was this mystical place, you know?

I'll tell you, what the world doesn't need is another Joe Bonamassa DVD.

It's nice just to be able to go out and, basically, be able to play other types of music and not have any pressure to almost explain it and justify why you did. I just do it because I like to have some fun.

A great solo is one that's so frail that it actually teeters on the edge of falling apart, but doesn't.

There was a rumour that I was buying Gibson. It circulated around the Internet... And I just go, 'How well off do you think I am?' I play blues-rock for a living. It's like a vow of poverty.

I'm not a household name; I'm just a household name to guitar freaks.

I think what I do really well is that I can 'chameleon' myself into many styles at a very fast pace, sometimes in the same verse of a song.

I've never been universally loved from the beginning.

Some people don't like me at all. But... whatever. It comes with the territory.

I learned that if I put my mind to something vocally, I can pull it off. You just have to get your head-space right.

When you play a gig in Poland or Australia, or you play a gig in Toledo, they all clap at the same parts of the show. They're clapping for the solos in the exact same way.

I love to collect guitars made in the 1950s. I like preserving and playing them.

I dislike all those cookie-cutter Nashville songs. You know the ones: about tight jeans and pick-up trucks.

It doesn't matter if people take the music for free, because you can't illegally download a ticket to a concert.

I work well under pressure.

I feel like I always learn from somebody who can do something better than I can.