I'm fairly specific about what I like to wear and looks are important to me, just like they are to everybody.

My fans get passionate about certain songs.

The show is different every night, because I never write a setlist.

The writers I respect the most had an undying commitment to a vision.

I've always had a love for poetry and when I got signed to a record label I thought, 'How odd that I'm doing a record before a book of poetry,'

I love shows about creating and cooking. Sometimes they're so extraordinary, you end up setting yourself to fail.

I find you get out of people what you put into them.

When we're children we're told love is going to be great: Just fall in love, the rest will take care of itself - and then we fall in love and we realize, Okay, this is actually really, really hard work. This guy doesn't just tell me I'm great every day, you know?

I have a sneaking suspicion that all religions lead to the same place, a very unified place.

On my own I generally have very messy hair, wear jeans and sneakers.

I've been writing lullabies since the beginning. I kind of did it for myself to help myself fall asleep when I really worried, like when I was homeless and I'd fall asleep in my car.

Like every girl, I felt amazing pressure to look like the popular girls, but no one told me the popular girls were all air brushed in magazines.

If someone is willing to help you understand your own worth when you're vulnerable, that's a very touching thing. It makes you want to help other people.

I have this theory- that if we're told we're bad, then that's the only ideal we'll ever have.

If I'm a phenomenon, it makes me feel like I have no purpose.

What's great about music is it takes so many kinds of people, including me. Everybody is in a different place.

I have a life that I enjoy; I try and value the things that I think are worth valuing and everything else is icing. You know, it is a kick to go down the red carpet in that dress and then you go back home.

I tend to eat what I want, which probably isn't good.

Once you are successful, there's a very seductive rhythm at work that keeps you wanting to outdo yourself. By the end of 'Spirit' I felt like I didn't want to get into that trap. It almost makes you cartoon-like.

Love bravely, live bravely, be courageous; there's really nothing to lose.

Most of us don't spend any time knowing ourselves. We just keep reacting.

I hope that my life ends up being my greatest work of art, not just my music.

I consider myself a product of Alaska. The love and the debt that I feel to my home state, you always want your hometown to be the proudest of you.

I've always toured solo acoustic.