Love bravely, live bravely, be courageous, there's really nothing to lose. There's no wrong you can't make right again, so be kinder to yourself, you know, have fun, take chances. There's no bounds.

I'm a Gemini and I have a lot of different moods. Sometimes I'm very serious and introspective and pensive, but other times I'm completely goofy and girlie. So, I like my songs to cover all my moods.

Forgiveness is the needle that knows how to mend.

I thought, 'Maybe if I become a cheerleader, I can meet managers or agents. Maybe I can sing the national anthem at a game, and someone in the industry will hear me.' I saw everything as an opportunity to further my music. I was literally the cheerleader who had a mixtape in between her pom-poms at events.

In a book, you can create a world in your imagination that's as intricate as you want. Even something like 'Angels & Demons.' I was reading it, thinking, 'This is incredible! This is so scary!'

Paying attention to my breath makes me happy to be alive. And that really grounds me during a performance.

The stories in the songs come from my real life.

For me, I try to always look at the positive.

I feel like it's dangerous to get complacent and celebrate too much... You can't get comfortable.

I'm a person of extremes. I'm usually very polar in a lot of things that I do.

To be honest with you, the fact that people vibe with my music is just a really positive byproduct of something that is just a reflex to me. The fact that people even care to listen means a lot to me.

I want to make something great. I want to make something that I can be proud of in 10 years, something that is timeless.

You can give a bunch of opportunities to people, but if they are not ambitious, nothing is going to happen.

Amy Winehouse affected my life tremendously. I think maybe she was the first sense of intimacy that I had with a complete stranger, musically speaking.

The first time I went crowd surfing was heaven.

I've been debating with people over what an album actually means in 2018. Certain artists who have paid their dues and proven themselves have almost the privilege to put out a full length album.

My thought process is I have been lied to so much by people who I thought I could trust that it motivates me to want to be as honest as possible, to project that energy, because that is how I want people to treat me.

Honestly, the angrier I am, the looser my tongue is... when I get angry, it's just a motor mouth, and it just goes off, which is great, but it doesn't really work unless I'm very, very passionate about what I'm talking about.

I feel like I'm really grateful that my parents chose Canada, and I feel like there's open arms here, and it's very apparent.

The EP is called 'Kiddo' because this has been an uphill battle for me. As a female in the industry, as a female of colour, some people will demean me. So it's like, 'OK, you wanna call me kiddo? I'll show you kiddo.'

I love soul music.

I'm sensitive. I'm proud of being sensitive. I'm proud of being empathetic.

I'm proud of the fact that I can just focus on the bullseye and go. Thank God, I don't have to worry about distractions or veering off course because my focus is very defined. I'm proud of that.

I'm appreciating every single bit of success I get, no matter how small.