I would have to say my favorite thing about hosting 'Redneck Island 4' was the cast. They were the most genuine, fun, and down-to-earth Southerners. They just reminded me of the kids I went to school with.

I'm going to be that little old lady that's just, like, walking around and just, like, full of energy, probably with bright red hair or something crazy.

I'm just a little energizer bunny. I just have a lot of energy.

I always say you just need 20 minutes a day. That is it: 20 minutes to do really fast circuits, and you can bring some weights with you to work.

My cheat days are bread, bread, bread, and cookies. I love bread!

I do have some songs where it is about my relationship with my husband, and it does get very personal.

Every single sport works out your body in a different way, and you can almost point out their bodies - like, that's a swimmer, that's a football player.

Eric and I just don't have drama. We're very happy.

I'm such a foodie.

I just don't really like going to the gym that much, and I love eating.

I like to do heavy lifting, so it's a great thing to have meals that have a lot of protein to maintain that.

Every mom knows it's hard to take care of yourself while you're trying to take care of your children because, when you become a mother, you become so selfless.

When I was younger, I was relying on those young-girl genetics. I wasn't watching what I was eating or looking at nutrition. Now I'm paying attention, and my body is leaner. I'm healthier. I'm eating better. I'm just in better shape.

If anything gets in the way of me being a good mom or wife, I simply say no.

When you're pregnant, make sure your husband rubs your feet - and your neck and your back and everything.

I think if you're a good person and spread happiness, good things will come to you!

I always knew I was going to be a mommy, and because I came from a family of three kids, I always assumed I would have three!

I always feel guilty when I want to go get my nails done or hair done because it takes time away, but I know moms need that alone time, too.

Having a family is just my fave altogether. I love having these babies that love you unconditionally. It's amazing to always have such strong love. I feel so fulfilled.

I love nursing my babies. It's such a special bond for me.

If you walk into the room, and you're smiling and have a pep in your step, people are going to be drawn to you. If you walk into a room and you're sad and you look insecure, it's bad energy.

Being a mom has made me feel more like a grown-up. I was always a kid at heart. It makes me feel like I did my purpose in life.

I'll be honest: I naturally have a pretty good eyebrow shape. I always have. I would get made fun of when I was younger because they were so thick.

Sometimes, men just need a little push. Men won't always be like, 'You are so beautiful. You look great today.' And sometimes women want to hear that.