Motherhood made me a better person.

You need to marry someone that is your soul mate, that you're obsessed with, and never ignore that.

I love to hit the gym when I can. I usually work out three times a week and do circuit training.

I work really hard, and have had many opportunities to give up and throw the towel in. But I never did.

I do make a really great bolognese, and the key is putting good 'ol wine in there.

If you don't want to put on any makeup, try some fake eyelashes. They make your eyes pop and give you a little confidence boost.

I don't even have a type! I don't have a physical type. I have an emotional type.

I think Angelina Jolie has done amazing, amazing things, and the international adoption rate just since her has skyrocketed. It's unbelievable.

I don't ever wanna come across too intimidating, so as long as I look like you can come up and give me a hug, that's good.

I think that having a public career is a bargain with the devil.

I really want to be just a singer-songwriter. That's who I am.

As a woman who has some sort of power, you have to have a man that can take that. It's hard to find those men.

I adore John Mayer. I don't see how anything that surrounds John could be negative.

Normally, I'm so shy.

I'm a woman who wants her chocolate.

Life is definitely always about expanding. That's how we grow.

I have a flirtatious personality.

People always say that pregnant women have a glow. And I say it's because you're sweating to death.

I'm never going to be a woman who doesn't work.

I'm big-busted... I can't always wear the cutest bras, and it makes me so mad.

I don't regret anything I've gone through.

Image is the most important thing about someone's career and longevity.

I really don't look at myself as just one thing. I'm kind of scattered and like to have my hands in a lot of different projects. It makes me who I am.

To be a mentor for up-and-coming artists is right up my alley.