One reason I rarely listen to radio is they don't play our music much.

I'd rather be known as a songwriter than a guitarist, although I love to play the guitar.

We're known as a touring band, not a singles band.

I don't like the term 'rock star.'

I think every one of our songs could be a Top 10 record.

To me, a day off is sitting at a piano or with a guitar and writing.

No one knows this, but when I would play the clubs back in '65, '66, they used to call me 'Screaming Chicken,' 'cause I would go out and scream, fall on the ground, beat myself, smash stuff, jump through the ceiling, roll on the floor, and act like I was having epileptic fits.

There's no way we could make up what we are. The group is just what everyone is. Each of us has a different audience.

We tried to act trendy. We took one of our songs and tried to make a dance mix. They put it on the turntables, unannounced, in Los Angeles and New York the same weekend, where they had a big dance crowd going wild. It cleared the floor on both coasts.

We may not be proud of every song we've ever done - or been forced to do - but I believe we've done more than meets the eye.

We're a band's band. We have real songs, real players, real problems. Real ups, real downs.

I have four warehouses full of stuff. I have every boarding pass of every flight I've ever been on. I have all the old contracts that we had from all the clubs and concerts we played, every one of them, up from 1980. Guitar picks and amps - it goes on and on.

It's an honor that people give a crap about us. We're in a rock band; we're not supposed to be treated with any respect.

Some people collect this or that. I'm a musician; I collect guitars.

People are like, 'Why are you playing that five-neck guitar?' I want to hurt. I want to play.

I've taken all the mirrors out of my house because when I'm playing onstage, I feel like I'm still in high school. I feel like that kid that wanted to play in his first band, and then I look in a mirror, and it's like, 'Uh-oh!' It ain't pretty.

I have too many options when it comes to guitars.

We played with AC/DC. There are actual recordings of us doing 'Johnny B Good' together.

Our band is rock n' roll. We were never just a studio band trying to make everything perfect. It was never supposed to be perfect. It was supposed to be cool.

I can't stand it when groups come back for an encore, and they play some slow thing. Oh, brother! It's like, 'Had I known that, I would've left.'

I'd rather be musical than technical.

Every person I've ever met always thinks their parents are weird.

If you're going to be ridiculous, be over-the-top ridiculous.

I was never going to be very cute. I always looked for the best people to play with and, 'cause, to make myself look better.