I've been to Manchester enough to know it's a real place. It's not Factory Records and the Smiths bicycling around. I get it. It's a modern city.

I'm kind of stunned by hip-hop and R&B's embrace of what is essentially early-to-mid-Nineties Euro pop.

I know it seems like LCD Soundsystem sold millions and millions of records, but we didn't. I'm not a wealthy person.

I can be staggeringly evangelical. That's just my personality.

When Andy Kaufman performed, he was not just trying to be funny. He was playing with the notion of what it means to try to be funny, of what it means to be an audience expecting somebody to be funny. He was doing a dance and playing a game.

There's a difference between a cheap lie and a beautiful lie.

Warhol had resonance because it was high art and low art. And you could argue about it endlessly.

Anything that's resolvable is boring, musically. And if it's too chaotic, you don't feel tension; it's chaos.

I miss producing. I hate it when I do it, but I love it.

The Fall was super powerful to me because of their covers. They were intimidating. I bought 'This Nation's Saving Grace' when it came out in 1985, and there was something about it that made me nervous. It terrified me.

I don't have a TV, and I don't have a radio.

I've watched too many artists in my life forget how good the things they used to do were.

Subway Symphony is a little idea I had to change the sound of the subway turnstiles into different pieces of music, depending on what station you're entering.

I think that not being all that overwhelmed by good reviews is a luxury. I'm like a rich person who says he doesn't care about money.

Titles are relatively arbitrary to me; they take on meanings that aren't really my meanings. 'Sound Of Silver' was just, like, I made the studio silver, and I wanted the record to sound 'more silver.'

'Somebody's Calling Me' was written in my sleep, and the original was just the piano and the beat and the singing.

To me, the band is like one of my homes, in fact. It's not like, 'I've got to get out of this band. I've got to go home.' This band is home in a lot of ways. It's my closest friends; it's a place where I really feel comfortable and happy.

I am kind of, by definition, a hipster.

It's strangely energizing to have people who don't make music themselves take potshots at you from the Internet.

I write songs all the time. Sometimes they're just weird songs I sing while changing a baby, or songs about annoying things that I sing to myself, or to friends while sitting at a bar, or about Christmas or New York.

I actually really love people.

I'm a very self-conscious person.

Sound sounds are terrible in the city, but it's great to listen and to walk and listen to people talk to each other. There are birds. You hear spring. I like listening to the city.

When I was a kid, when the Walkman came out, I was sold. I listened to music 24 hours a day.