I understand that if someone's going to make me his idea of cool, I can't control that.

The more you are like me, the less interested in my band you are.

I'm a DJ, and I live in Williamsburg, and I run an independent record company.

If I opened a record store, it wouldn't be all punk rock and esoterica.

There's kind of a limitless amount of things I want to do, and when the path seems to open, that's when I try to do a thing.

I'm always surprised by how optimistic and open sometimes people who are very successful are.

I was into punk rock my whole life. I never listened to the Eagles. I never listened to things that were getting Grammys. So getting a Grammy nomination wasn't bad, it just wasn't meaningful.

I don't want to be subsumed into popular culture and played on the radio next to some garbage music.

My gut instincts are strong, but they're not always accessible to me, which is why I like DJing, because you don't have time, and you have to go on instinct.

Songs can click together really quickly, and other times, they're really laborious and heavy-lifting.

What we are as a live band is different to what we are on recordings, but they're both equal versions: they're both LCD Soundsystem, but in very different ways.

I never did albums fully at DFA; I always would go someplace else so I wasn't making a record in my office, basically.

Restaurants remind me of bands: there's lots of camaraderie, people work very closely together, very hard, and it's a bad job to pick if you want to make lots of money. Whether music or food, the reward always has to be because you love it.

If being in a band was my job, then I would quit. This is not a good job. A good job is in financial management.

I started playing in my first band when I was 12. I like to date myself by saying I was in a New Age band when it wasn't ironic; it was actually called new wave because it was new.

My high-techness is pretty low-tech. I'm not wildly computer savvy. I'm a record person.

I'm not a big songwriter guy. People who are really good singer-songwriters usually left me kind of cold.

To do a band properly does kind of mean you don't really get to do anything else.

I love rock. I love the music that was born out of the latter part of the 20th century. It means a lot to me.

As things mature - whether they be real estate, rock n' roll, politics, festivals, radio - there's an efficiency that develops, and with it, very often, comes some soul-crushing truths.

Even in the band I was in when I was a kid, I'd be telling everyone what to do. I'd be leaning over the drums, telling them to tune their guitars, micromanaging.

I was a singing guitar player as a kid, and I found it really embarrassing, so I stopped singing and became a drummer.

I'm an underdog by nature, and I like to be fighting. I don't make music for myself. I make music to fight.

I moved to New York in 1989 and went to study at NYU.