Even on songs we've got that are about a girl, there's always something there that's a call to insurrection.

We're the most important group in the world.

By 1993, the Stone Roses had become this huge, beautiful cruise ship just floating about in the middle of nowhere with no captain.

One thing I've always loved and rated me dad for is that, because of him, I've never seen the Queen's Christmas speech.

I always loved Oasis because when they came out, they did express that they loved us, and they saw that we did it, and they thought they could do it, too.

Every time I do interviews, they ask me about the same things - poverty, war, and the power of the church.

My wife is Mexican, and she's really influenced me: She's got an impressive collection of Mexican music.

I'd never been paid for the first Roses LP - it was 2002 before we received any royalties.

You're never going to improve on a Michael Jackson song if you cover it.

Honestly, going solo is the second best thing that's ever happened to me after my kids.

Everything I've ever achieved, I've done on my terms.

I'm only really good at making music. I wasn't convinced when I started out, but then I heard the first Stone Roses' LP.

People have to realise you don't help African children singing along to 60-year-old men playing their tunes from 40 years ago.

Permacultures - where you use the immediate environment to grow food - should be mandatory.

We should be growing carrots up the side of the Empire State Building or Big Ben.

At primary school, I thought I was George Best. Then I got to secondary school, and it was more serious.

People want to adulate people.

The jails are full of kids from kids' homes. You're 16 years old, and you're out on the street. How you going to fend for yourself at 16 if you've not had an education? You're going to turn to crime.

You're never alone on the dole in Manchester.

We started out to finish groups like U2 - that was what it was all about.

I wasn't on stage to be worshipped or for people to look up to me. I was with the crowd.

The Roses should have made it as the biggest band since The Beatles, but we didn't.

I was really into punk when I was about 14.

In March 1977, I taped the single 'Career Opportunities' off Piccadilly Radio, which was the '70s equivalent of downloading, and then the album came out in April 1977.