I had mentors, growing up in gay life - older gay men who told me about our history and the history of art and culture - but somehow, the younger generation missed out on that synergy.

I've always been drawn to people who dance to the beat of a different drum; it didn't matter if they were in film or music or fashion.

It's a neutralizing mantra to say to everybody, 'I come in peace.' I come in peace. That's why it's important.

Usually, people who don't have a broad perspective see gay people as servants - as people who are there to make them look good.

The only time you will ever see me in drag is when I am - What? Getting paid. It is my job.

I love Ashford & Simpson, and I love the Brothers Gibb. They are amazing.

I've still never gotten used to myself in drag.

I try to do three active things a day because I have to fit into costumes that are very tight.

I have always worked and did my work on the fringe, where I have feel very comfortable.

My focus is on love and inclusiveness.

I love drag, and I love people who gravitate toward it. Because the people who do drag are people who dance to the beat of a different drummer.

Everyone has a really short attention span, and you have to bombard them with content, content, content.

It's hard to get intimate with an audience.

I love games. My favorite thing on this planet to do is to play games. And if you don't enjoy games, then you're really missing the point of what this life is.

Drag has always been the thing you turn to to remember to not take yourself too seriously.

Anna Wintour is a very smart woman. She's a Scorpio, like me.

I've always been interested in what else is here, what lies beneath.

Drag queens have always taken on that role of spilling the tea - and the tea is the emperor has no clothes!

It's true in everything, not just in drag: To be a success, you have to understand the landscape. You have to know thyself, and you have to know your history so that you can draw from people who have figured out the equation you are faced with. It's not rocket science.

In my life, I've been able to really examine society in a way most people who aren't outsiders don't get a chance to do.

I loved 'Carol.' I thought it was a beautiful film.

I always did what I thought was interesting. I always just did what caught my fantasy. Looking like a woman, that was never the criteria for me. It was always to do drag. And drag is not gender-specific. Drag is just drag. It's exaggeration.

We humans are still a very primitive culture, and it's one of the traps we've fallen into over the course of our lives - to forget our history. That's why George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is so profound. It chronicles our short memory.

My spiritual practice reminds me of what's really real, what's really hood.