Who does this, at age 71, try to put a tour together from scratch? I have to say it's scary at times. But I like a challenge 'cause it keeps you on your toes.

'Geronimo' was a huge amount of work. That involved 80-piece orchestras and Indians and Tuvans and all kinds of crazy people on that thing. That's a real circus, that score.

I toured around for years, but the road was always a drag for me. I never made a dime. In fact, I lost a lot of money - it was horrible.

Being the front guy is a hard job.

Once you clear out from your consciousness things that no longer matter, you're able to make room for other things.

There's not another lip-synch song on the planet, in the history of lip-synching songs, that has been lip-synched more than 'I Will Survive.'

I think drag is universal, no matter who does it. I mean, yeah, I am homosexual, but I think everybody likes to toy with their image. I love those guys. I love Milton Berle and Flip Wilson and all those people.

Drag breaks the fourth wall, which is why it's never been quite accepted, because nobody wants to be told that they are really a caricature of themself and to not take yourself too seriously.

People don't know how to place me in their consciousness. They think, 'Oh, you must be here to make me look good. That's what gay guys are, right? You're an accessory for my straight life.' Just because your limited view is that everyone's there to serve you and that you're the only person in the world. It doesn't work that way.

If you look at their voting habits and their eating habits, you realize people are stupid.

The only person I look up to - and not just in show business but also in the world - is a little lady named Judge Judy! Honestly.

I enjoy being creative.

For both men and women, an eyelash curler is a must. It gives your eye the appearance of being well-rested and wide open.

I think this life is hard without assistance from others.

In our subconscious, we all know we're playing roles.

I've always been ambitious. I've always been able to roll up my sleeves and get to work. I like to stay busy. I love working, and I love being creative.

I feel like I've won every year the show has been picked up by Logo because, really, nothing beats a paycheck.

This is an important thing: People who live in the mainstream and the status quo think that everyone else is there to serve them.

I've never personally differentiated a person who dressed up in a three-piece suit and goes to Wall Street from a person who dresses up in a polyester uniform and works at McDonalds. I think it's all drag.

If you've worked in a factory, and you haven't learned how to do something else, you're obsolete. That's just nature.

I haven't found a heel that's been too high for me yet.

Life is not to be taken seriously.

We encrypt 'Drag Race' with the secret language that kept gay people linked for many years before the '80s.

I've been very blessed, and that has not escaped me.