I've been wanting an ice cream truck forever.

I went on tour with Ricky Skaggs and his wife, Sharon White, and the White Family in 2015. It was fantastic. They're all the greatest singers of that country stuff, traditional country up into bluegrass.

People who love the applause should have it, but I don't care for it.

I'm not interested in making folkloric records, but I like to push the traditional format around so that familiar patterns get knocked on the head.

The Woody Guthrie 'Dust Bowl' tunes were really fascinating.

I got a reputation for being 'eclectic' or some damn thing like that, but to me, the different kinds of music I play are all the same stuff - good time music - and it is the only stuff I can do.

I used to sneak gospel tunes into my old records, just as kind of a personal thing.

I like classical music. I especially like the French composers: Ravel in particular. Debussy. That's so soothing in a nervous world.

If something grooves and you like the sound, then that's all you need.

Having my son on drums has made a huge difference. I can't stress this strongly enough, in terms of the groove space and style that Joachim gave me to instinctively play what I felt in a more free way, rather than feeling constricted. That's true on record and on stage.

Uncle Dave Macon was a great balladeer and banjo player from the early part of the 19th century... He would take a social problem or something that he was looking at and make up a clever little song about it, you know, in a language everyone understood, a man of the people.

To me, the Internet is a big scam.

I always loved country gospel from back when I was a teenager in high school and started listening to bluegrass quite a lot.

The Delmore Brothers is hit music - very, very popular - and it still retains that rural flavor and simplicity. I always think of it as family music, really, because families sang it.

I wanted to be a car pinstriper, but there was nobody to teach me how to do it. So I said, 'Music's good too. I'll do that maybe, since I can't work out how to do this pinstriping.'

I always have felt that most people don't have the first idea about what musicians, in the traditional sense - I don't mean in the modern media fake way, but traditionally - what they went through, what their lives were like.

On any given day, if I play the guitar, I can put myself somewhere. I always thought, 'This is the way you go.' It's like a magic carpet, see?

It's good to see more young people playing instruments.

Critics don't sell records, unfortunately. No one reads what they write anyway.

When I made the first album, I was 24, and at that age, you have nothing to say. I just played the music I loved and tried to do it justice.

The story of American pop music is the story of failure. The blues, country music, it's not the story of success. People don't win; they lose.

To me, the essence of the music is the most important thing.

'Buena Vista Social Club' is a great song and a difficult tune to play.

I always like spoken word records.