In terms of my work, I've never been reticent in terms of defining my sexuality. I write about my life.

I knew, regardless of anything else, singing in front of an orchestra was going to be inspirational. It would feed me.

I write about my life.

The fact I had my father as an adversary was such a powerful tool to work with. I subconsciously fought him to the degree that I drove me to be one of the most successful musician in the world.

My ego is sated.

I've never done anything so political before. I've spent years shouting my mouth off about serious issues over dinner tables but never really had the confidence to express my views in a song.

I know that I sound self-satisfied, and I know that I've got an ego, but I don't have an ego problem.

It's important to me that I should be free to express myself.

It's almost required with major artists that there's some duality. And I've got duality everywhere.

I'm not anti-American. I've lived with Kenny, a Texan, for six years.

I owe my mother who I am, and my father my drive.

I was brought up when media still kept totally away from violence when it came to children. I don't think it would have made me scared of violence, but I find it repulsive.

I don't want to look at other people my age in leather. Why would I put it on?

Stars are almost always people that want to make up for their own weaknesses by being loved by the public and I'm no exception to that.

I realised those things my ego needed - fame and success - were going to make me terribly unhappy. So I wrenched myself away from that. I had to. I had to walk away from America and say goodbye to the biggest part of my career because I knew, otherwise, my demons would get the better of me.

I never really told my parents that I wanted to be a pop star or anything. They just knew that I was totally obsessed with music. Funnily enough, my father always used to say that he didn't think I could sing.

Everything was going my way. I was happily marching into the history books. Then it all just fell apart.

There are so many things and so many aspects to gay life that I've discovered and so many things to write about. I have a new life, and I have a new take on dance music because of that life.

I don't consider Americans bullies, but I do consider the American government bullying.

The whole business is built on ego, vanity, self-satisfaction, and it's total crap to pretend it's not.

I have more love, success, and security than I could ever dream of.

Is my body a temple, or is my life a temple? I'm definitely in the latter category, and I think my life has been better since thinking that way.

If you don't feel you're reaching something new, then don't do it.

The truth is my love life has been a lot more turbulent than I have let on.