It would have been fun to have played Tim Robbins' role in Bull Durham.

I wouldn't mind producing a movie with a music storyline, but acting in one is too close to home.

I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won't believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation.

I got an offer in 1992 to buy a major-league team. I turned down the offer because I don't want my love of the game to involve business.

I'm a big movie fan. After a show, if I'm on the bus or a plane, it's often hard to get to sleep, so I'll watch a film. An action film can even relax me.

I believe in the 'Wal-Mart' school of business. The less people pay, the more they enjoy it.

If I have any talent at all it's from God, and my mom, who was on Capitol Records also.

I'd like to think a baseball picture is somewhere in my future.

Your band members? Your band members don't want to be tied to a machine. They want to be playing. That's what the Beatles did. And the Beatles' stuff is timeless. That's what I would suggest. Just get back to sweating, playing hard, hammering, and having a blast.

We're just a real dirty band. We're raw, and we're rough. None of us are top-scale, top-line musicians. But I tell you what, you get your top-line musicians and see if they can entertain like us.

You know Nashville, there's people that are ten times more talented than me, ten times better singer than me, song writer than me, but for some reason you get the ball and now - and now you run with it. And you do the best you can.

I try to do my best.

I'm one of those guys who has to have a constant something going inside and in front of my face. If not, I get in trouble.

You can't deny RCA's past and its history. I was also on Capitol Records, so I have that past history.

I spend most of my time at concerts hoping for that one second that the artist looks at me, I look at the artist, and that's when I get to say, 'Thank you.'

I am the last guy that wants to quit making music.

I want to get within myself and write. I really, really want to write.

Country music is what is sincere; that's the main thing.

Before the show, we see all these radio people, and most of them say, 'Garth, you're a lot calmer than I thought you were gonna be.' But when the members of the band give one another that handshake, and the lights go out, and the crowd goes up, then you're sliding into the elevator, man, your heart is just going bopbopbopbopbop.

I'd much rather have the honesty than not. Because if you will say what's on your mind and get it off your chest, then the sooner I can prove you wrong!

You know me, I've got to find some way to get a fresh fire.

I introduce her as the love of my life everywhere that we go. She introduces me as her current husband. So you can see how the relationship kinda works here.

I still use the guitar pretty much just to hide my gut.

Because of the changes in the Padres team I played with last year, I felt like a veteran recently when I worked out with Jason Kendall and he told me he's liked listening to my records since he was a kid!