If I can see the sunrise - and I usually don't - I like to. I'm a big fan of the sun.

To have knowledge of Judaism and to be a religious Jew or an interested Jew, is to have a doorway into a worldview that is entirely alien to the rest of the world's worldview.

I want to be a force that tries to revive the human spirit rather than crush it, to open possibilities rather than close them down. Sometimes a passionate negativity is the best way to do that.

I think there's a large worry in queer communities about imitating straight people, when queerness has its own identity and maybe can be a radical force that should be dismantling stuff that locks people into structures.

If you get into really learning about the roots of monotheism, it was utterly a radical cultural moment. The Bible was so revolutionary and against all that came before it.

I think most of the work of songwriting is thinking of great phrases - I'm addicted, always on the hunt for a really great phrase.

I think I'm becoming a climate activist.

My two most fervent interests are pop music and traditional Judaism. Hell of a pair of fervent interests.

My Jewishness and queerness are very interwoven, and, although they sometimes conflict culturally, intellectually and spiritually they deepen one another for me.

My main theme as a songwriter seems to be a feeling of homelessness, of being in motion. The feeling of being somehow unmoored, a radical internal freedom that is very painful and also joyful.

I take it hard whenever anything happens that makes, I guess, queer people feel less safe and less welcome in the world.

I believe an authentic Judaism would legislate total equality for queer people.

I really don't care about what anyone says unless they are also gender-nonconforming. Then I really listen. I love the solidarity felt between us gender failures.

I'm a shy person whose very presence has become a confrontation. I think that's true of a lot of queer people.

Just being gender non-conforming opens you to trouble from strangers. And violence.

My bassist Jorgen Jorgensen opened up my life to a lot of great, obscure old soul records.

Some part of me hopes for a guardian angel to protect me and other people who need protection.

Learning that someone is gay, queer, trans, doesn't tell you much by itself. They could be any kind of person aside from that particular slice of identity.

More visibility is more power, but more vulnerability.

Success is based on music, not where you're from.

When I'm full, I stop eating.

I love rom-coms. Any will do. Films such as 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' or 'Funny Face' with Audrey Hepburn.

When I was growing up, hip-hop was still a pretty specialised thing.

Conservatives, they're like the Republicans to me. They don't do much. They have this whole hierarchy and boys' club thing going on. That doesn't help the regular person.