My style is Edie Sedgwick meets Grace Jones, or Audrey Hepburn meets Salt 'n' Pepa. Strong and feisty but still classic.

I'm so, so full of joy that America elected Obama. He didn't win because he was black - people voted for him because he had a plan and because he talked sense and because you believed him.

Luke James has this mystique about him that's not something you can explain; you can only experience it. He's got a whole D'Angelo feel to him as well.

I went to New York and Miami and hung out by the beach, and I love the American boys, so I wrote a song about it.

If you cannot smile when you listen to music, then do not listen to it!

Law became boring, but like every job I've done, it helped prepare me for a career in music.

If you think about where I'm from, I'm not supposed to be singing in the first place. I'm not supposed to be alive right now.

The only thing I don't have is hips.

I've always dug Audrey Hepburn. I think she's one of the classic beauties.

I have to live authentically at all times. And that's part of what makes me an artist. I'm not scared to do that.

People are getting ready for music that makes them feel happy again rather than being depressed at the way the world is going right now.

When I need things to happen, I need them to happen now, you know. I don't want to be having a meeting about a meeting about a meeting, which is what can happen in Britain.

People have created feuds between me and other artists.

I always want to remain inspired.

I try not to judge because I've been judged a heck of a lot, and it don't feel nice.

People want to say something negative before they say something good.

I remember being, like, the age of 7 and just always being in control of something or someone, a baby somewhere. I had lots of cousins and brothers, and we were all taught that's how you are, you know. Things don't just run themselves; you have to make them run.

I've always been a fan of Nigerian artist D'banj. He's now signed to Kanye West's Good Music label.

A lot of my girlfriends are always telling me they're really strong independent women, but they've got their boy on the side, and they only go over when he calls.

My favorite film involving scarves was little Edie in 'Grey Gardens.' I often wear scarves like that, under hats.

I want a TV series, I'm gonna do some acting jobs, I'm gonna do some Broadway jobs, everything!

I love singing, so I want to see how far I can take it. I love the challenge, and I won't be happy until I have a wall full of gold discs and seven huge world tours under my belt.

I can get a call at 2 A.M., and the person on the other end is like: 'Sorry, did I wake you?' and I'm like: 'No, I'm wide awake.'

I always say, 'There's a difference between cooked food and McDonald's.' Your mom's homemade dinner - you enjoy this more than you enjoy the fast food that comes along and goes, and I strive to make homemade dinner every time I put out an album.