Every summer in my old area, Bow, these kids from across the road used to bring out quad bikes in the park. They let me have a go, and I don't know what was wrong with me, but I drove straight into a gate and fractured my big toe. I had this mad limp for ages.

I think it don't matter what colour you are, it matters what colour your heart is and your intentions.

Politicians... say what they say - you might get every now and again a genuine one, innit? But I think people, like, as a whole make the difference.

I think a black man, purple man, Martian man can run the country... as long as he does right by the people.

Rappers and MCs have always had an alias. Building your character, it helps you to get things out.

I sometimes think I should write a book. I've seen some things, you know, but it's all there in the songs.

I made hardcore music and that came kind of easy - it was what I knew. But it was a challenge for me to make a big pop tune.

I'm going to be big like Michael Jackson.

I found it funny I was on 'Newsnight.'

You can never have enough winter jackets.

To an extent, everyone is jealous of everyone.

That's what the world's about - different perspectives.

That's the difference between me and a lot of rappers. So many are unfit, just puffing all the time.

When I go Miami, I go deep-sea fishing. I love doing that.

When you're actually boxing, unless it's a proper grudge match, it's less about beating the person up and more about being better within yourself. Being patient, timing things, like chess, so really, it's as much down to you as what the other person does - and that's life.

People used to shoot their guns while I was MCing.

When I was young I used to watch MTV, Nirvana, or Guns N' Roses.

Yeah, I love festivals, man.

Sometimes people chat loosely. Sometimes people just speak their minds and what's on their mind ain't necessarily real or facts, so I don't take it too serious. I'm more interested in making the music, I don't really play that.

Music's something that I really wasn't pushed into, it was something I just kinda chose, I just kept pushing myself, and it was all down to me.

I like to work with the best artists, full stop, around the world, and just make things happen man.

I'm the first British artist to have two successive number ones on his own independent label.

I'm not that guy in the suit, speaking the Queen's English. I don't need to be. I've done enough. I can go on 'Newsnight' as me.

I swear too much.