I actually really like DJ Assault - a Detroit a ghetto tech DJ, who's produced good music that's influenced me a bit.

I was a drum 'n' bass DJ at first but not any one of note.

I liked going to the Caribbean, just having nice holidays, do you know what I mean?

I'll never run out of things to rap about. Sometimes you sit there and think, 'I can't do it, I can't do it.' Then something happens and you start writing.

If you want real truth, I'll tell you real truth, even though I know a lot of people aren't gonna like it.

I pride myself on the energy I put on stage.

I go everywhere quiet - like a ninja. Always have done. Think big, move quiet.

People classify things and that's fair enough. But if somebody wants to make something different, that doesn't make them any less of an artist.

I like that the sight of me can make people happy. That's nice innit? I like that people like my music. I like that you get perks sometimes. Sometimes people treat you better, but through that there's the opposite as well.

Barack Obama embraced hip-hop, man. That's the way he got through to kids.

I'm from east London.

Kids need to be taught that your dreams aren't just dreams. Whatever they are, it's OK to push for them.

The name Dirtee Stank came from a lyric I had when I was 17 or 16. Lyrical tank, like my name was Frank, going on dirty, going on stank. It sounded like a good name!

Some people don't want to be helped, they want to do what they're doing, it's all they know.

I quite like thai boxing. But then I'm not surprised because I did taekwondo and karate and judo and all of that when I was a kid, and then just stopped when I got a bit older.

If you believe, you can achieve, innit.

I don't think I was ever really a normal kid. I always wanted to do it big, and so I was always on the lookout for strong people I could learn from.

Yeah, I like Three Six Mafia and stuff like that.

Life is hard enough. Life is always going to be hard, so you need to push for what you want.

We first started to rent old VFW halls in Philly or whatever; we rented kegs and did parties and played our own music. We had to find a way to do it because nobody else was helping us, and I think now it's important to keep those dialogues happening, those parties happening.

The traditional media never gave Bernie Sanders the time of day. But he went viral the same way hip-hop and new dances go viral. And I'm part of that culture.

Man, I don't read books! I just read a bunch of 'Walking Dead' comics. I don't even read comics, but zombies are something I just can't get enough of.

I appreciate people who are authentic. Someone who just wants to be cool, I can tell when their intentions aren't right.

To me, rap music is bigger than who's the coolest rapper, the biggest rapper. It's everything about your personality.