'Imperial' is me attempting to reach my ultimate form and to introduce a lifestyle of truth to my fans, be honest with yourself, and you will grow, ULT.

I'm a weirdo, but everybody's weird in some kind of way.

I used to do poetry in elementary school. I used to just write.

Always be true to you. But learn how to adapt, too. That's something I wish I did when I was younger.

I fear God. If my time comes, my time comes.

It took me a while to realize that the only way to really communicate with people is to give them your point of view.

I love Styx as much as I could love anything in my life. I started playing in the band when I was 14 years old. You become so involved in something when you start in it that young; you're doing it purely out of love of what you're doing and a belief in it.

If you pretend to be somebody that you're not when you write songs - and I did that on some of the early Styx albums - nobody cares about what you have to say.

I never imagined that I would have a successful solo career, let alone one in musical theater.

When I wrote 'Grand Illusion,' I was making it up as we went along. I wrote this stuff and tried to do the best job I could.

I was ill in '98. By the end of '99 I was recording and recovering.

When it came time to do 'One Hundred Years' I had been encouraged to really make a Styx album without the guys. I gave myself permission to do that. I set out to get people who sang with me who could make those harmonies.

People always want to romanticize relationships within bands. Most of these relationships are based on music first.

I'm proud of the body of work I was part of and I want people to enjoy it as long as they choose to.

I don't understand the joy of sitting in my house with nothing to do.

Technology has made music ultimately more democratic.

I've lived a charmed life.

Back in 2000, I had come to a crossroads in my life, unsure about what career path I should pursue. Shepherd, bouncer, philosopher king, ventriloquist or perhaps man on the flying trapeze. Fortunately, I was guided back onto the path of the magical world of music.

I think a lot of bands would rather put mediocre rock tracks on their album to try to maintain some sort of testosterone badge of courage.

If you think marriage is gonna be easy, don't do it because when there are children involved, you screw up the rest of society.

Americans are really good at throwing their hands up and walking away from things.

My views are simple. If you're gonna make a commitment, particularly marriage, stick to it. If you can't compromise, you've got no chance.

People always ask me: How are you? I say I'm the envy of millions. I've been a lucky guy.

101 Dalmatians' espouses virtues good to revisit: In times of crisis, families must pull together through love and commitment to overcome obstacles.