I relate to all of my songs and I'm inspired by everything going on around me. Music comes from all different aspects of my life.

Dancing was a big part of my life, but I would never consider myself a dancer. I adore singing, and music has always been a huge part of my life, but I also enjoy acting.

It's part of the celebrity process but my life has never been as interesting or as wild as what's been printed about me.

I just did what I found interesting. I was so lucky that I was able to do that, especially in the '90s. I was really able to have a life to go back to.

At 40, I went to bed for three days. I thought my life is over.

I'm surfing the giant life wave.

The good life is one that's artistically made.

You have to create your life. You have to carve it, like a sculpture.

Are not there little chapters in everybody’s life, that seem to be nothing, and yet affect all the rest of the history?

I knew all along that the prize I had set my life on was not worth the winning.

She lived in her past life- these relics and remembrances of dead affection were all that was left her in the world.

The wicked are wicked, no doubt, and they go astray and they fall, and they come by their deserts; but who can tell the mischief which the very virtuous do?

Are not there little chapters in everybody's life, that seem to be nothing, and yet affect all the rest of the history?

Life is a mirror: if you frown at it, it frowns back; if you smile, it returns the greeting.

The flames, as though they were a kind of wild life, crept as a jaguar creeps on its belly toward a line of birch-like saplings that fledged an outcrop of the pink rock.

There ought to be some mode of life where all love is good, where one love can't compete with another but adds to it.

Life's scientific, but we don't know, do we? Not certainly, I mean.

What indeed is life, unless so far as it is enjoyed? It does not merit the name.

He has no right to his life when his duty calls him to resign it. Other men are bound... to deprive him of life or liberty, if that should appear in any case to be indispensably necessary to prevent a greater evil.

The man who plays his part upon the theatre of life almost always maintains what may be called an artificial character.

There is an indescribable something that ties us to life. For this purpose, it is not necessary that we should be happy. Though our life be almost without enjoyment, we do not consent to part with it.

Man is the only creature we know, that, when the term of his natural life is ended, leaves the memory of himself behind him.

He that loves reading has everything within his reach.

“A good way to measure whether You are truly happy today or not; is to see if your off-line life is as interesting as your online one”