The lure of seeing new places, different ways of life, has been almost irresistible.

What some people wanted was sometimes too hard to get, and the stress of trying was sometimes too hard to deal with... Maybe doing well in life was just too hard for some people.

Think about all the tomorrows of your life.

Hard work by itself isn't worth two cents on a rainy day if it doesn't give you a good life.

Drew, your enemies can mess your life up,' he said. 'Or they can make it easy for you to do it to yourself.' —Fletch

I just wanted to be a human being. I just wanted to be whoever I saw in the mirror, without a race or a place in life. What is so wrong with that?

The movie is more real in so many ways than the life I am leading. No, that’s not true. I just desperately wish this was only a movie.

My life is not packaged, Not tidy. There are leftover strands and jagged Edges that cut even my friends.

It's a hard life sometimes and the biggest temptation is to let how hard it is be an excuse to weaken

Cutting people out of your life is easy, keeping them in is hard.

Life is a school of probability.

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

A family on the throne is an interesting idea. It brings down the pride of sovereignty to the level of petty life.

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

There is nothing in life except what one thinks of it.

Life is fits and starts, mostly fits.

But if there's nothing wrong with me, he thought, then there is something wrong with the world. And if there is nothing wrong with the world, then I have wasted my life and that is the worst mistake of all.

School - You can get all A's and still flunk life.

Suppose you ask God for a miracle and God says yes, very well. How do you live the rest of your life?

Lost in the mystery of finding myself alive.

You can get all A's and still flunk life.

Not to sound bad, but some girls are dumb. It's because they spend so much of their life trying to have the right look. On the other hand, some girls are just really smart. There are girls you can have conversations with that are healthy conversations. You can argue real life issues and solve problems together. That is what makes a woman sexy.

My life is better than a lot of people I know. I'm definitely happy about that.

Socrates gave a lifetime to the outpouring of his substance in the shape of the greatest benefits bestowed on all who cared to receive them. In other words, he made those who lived in his society better men and sent them on their way rejoicing.