"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others."

"LIFE is a mosaic of pleasure and pain - grief is an interval between two moments of joy. Peace is the interlude between two wars. You have no rose without a thorn; the diligent picker will avoid the pricks and gather the flower. There is no bee without the sting; cleverness consists in gathering the honey nevertheless."

"Make your life a rose that speaks silently in the language of the heart."

"Living is not enough; it has no value by itself. It is the motives, the feelings, the thoughts, the attitudes that prompt the day to day life that matters."

“Do you think you can scare me? I have one life and that belongs to God.”

"Love is your life, your friend, your relative, your food and your everything. Heart that is filled with love can never be polluted. Love is nectarine. Once you fill it in your heart, the poison of evil will have no place in it."

"God does not live in structures of stone or brick. He lives in soft hearts warm with sympathy and fragrant with universal love."

"Willingness to compromise with others’ ways of living and cooperation in common tasks, these make living happy and fruitful."

"The beauty of life depends upon our good habits."

"What is needed today is that we should lead a life of good quality. The fostering of sterling character and good conduct is the need of the world. Once we have greater numbers of such people of good quality, the country and the world will become prosperous and peaceful."

"Globalisation feels like a runaway train, out of control."

"For centuries, individuals have been learning how to live with their next-door neighbours."

"Through all of living have much joy and laughter, life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."

"Work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it."

"Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart."

"In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."

"If Life Gets Too Hard To Stand, Kneel."

"Life is to be enjoyed, not endured"

"If you live on the level of the Body and the Individual, you will get entangled in food, fun and frolic, ease, envy and pride. Forget it, ignore it, overcome it -- You will have peace, joy and calm. In the Divine Path, there is no chance of failure; it is the Path of Love."

"Reform the body, reconstruct the mind, regulate the way of living, then, the country will become automatically strong and prosperous."

"Life is a dance with the cosmos."

"Human life is precious, sublime and meaningful. But by involvement in purely worldly pursuits, the greatness of human birth is forgotten."

"When the yearning for living ends, there can be no more birth."

"Study the lives of our great women, who were models of patience, fortitude, compassion and sacrifice. I desire that you should take up the reins of leadership and bring peace and prosperity to the nation by leading ideal lives."