"Once in everyone's life there is apt to be a period when he is fully awake, instead of half-asleep."

"Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch."

"The city is like poetry; it compresses all life, all races and breeds, into a small island and adds music and the accompaniment of internal engines."

"But real life is only one kind of life—there is also the life of the imagination."

"Life is like writing with a pen. You can cross out your past but you can't erase it."

"After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die."

"The biggest thing is to let your voice be heard, let your story be heard."

"I wanted to be a jazz pianist, but I wasn't good enough. I got into city college because I didn't have the grades to get into university. I took acting because it was a way to get three credits. I just needed three credits and my friend told me to take acting because it was like gym - nobody fails you. I took it and that's literally how I got involved in acting."

"The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk."

"This is your life. Now go make it the one you've always wanted."

"You spend so much of your life basing yourself on what you think other people think of you. Then you realise that maybe one of the purposes of life is not to care."

"Life stinks, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy it."

"Life stinks, but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy it."

"37 seconds, well used, is a lifetime."

"That's what we're all looking for, the place where the work leads us."

"One of the things you can do as an actor, is compensate for the things you can't do in life."

"Life is an occasion...rise to it."

"I like to mimic my grandkids. I'm trying to understand the intensity of fixation on a leaf. Kids don't need anything else in their life."

"It's very painful for us to feel we deserve a life. That's the toughest thing. That we deserve to have a life. That can take a lifetime."

"On becoming more acquainted with the word of the Bible, I began to understand so much more of what I had been taught, and of what I had learned about life and about the people in mine."

"A problem is a chance for you to do your best."

"There are 2 rules in life: Number 1- Never quit Number2- Never forget rule number 1."

"The only dependable law of life - everything is always worse than you thought it was going to be."

"Years are only garments, and you either wear them with style all your life, or else you go dowdy to the grave."