"Be happy now, without reason - or you never will be at all."

"Your fears are not walls, but hurdles. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquering of it."

"You can live a whole life time never being awake."

"Everything you'll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body."

"Everyone tells you what's good for you. they don't want you to find your own answers. they want you to believe theirs."

"A warrior does not give up what he loves, he finds the love in what he does"

"If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever."

"There are no ordinary moments."

"The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination."

"Life is filled with difficult decisions, and winners are those who make them."

"Life is filled with secrets. You can't learn them all at once."

"We can become like Christ by doing one thing—by following him in the overall style of life he chose for himself."

"Why is it that we look upon our salvation as a moment that began our religious life instead of the daily life we receive from God?"

"We truly live at the mercy of our ideas; this is never more true than with our ideas about God."

"It was an important day in my life when at last I understood that if he needed forty days in the wilderness at one point, I very likely could use three or four."

"Our most serious failure today is the inability to provide effective practical guidance as to how to live the life of Jesus. And I believe that is due to this very real loss of biblical realism for our lives"

"I think that role model is kind of a weird thing because obviously you are, but I try to make good choices and good decisions for myself for me to have a good life. If that inspires someone else, that is great, but I think you should do good for yourself and your own happiness."

"In New York, you walk everywhere, so you're amongst people all of the time, and everybody is in a hurry and going somewhere or has something on their minds. And in L.A., it's still much more of a laid-back life, at least in my experience."

"My mom played tennis for, like, six hours a day and went to college on a tennis scholarship, because that was the way she could go to school. So they instilled in me the idea that you have to work hard for the things you want in life and never complain."

"The hardest thing is at the end you have to say bye to all these people who you have worked with for so many months. It was really sad not to see them anymore. But you have the parties that you go to and you get to see them, like the premieres and the screenings."

"I think sometimes people can get lost in the bigger special effects, science fiction, robot stuff, and those are cool and fun to watch, too, but I think it's so important to sometimes step back and watch something that's about life and human interaction."

"My mom, she is the most unbelievable mom that you could ever have in your entire life and she's always with me on everything. The most I've ever been away from her is two days. I love her more than anybody could ever know."

"I think I was a Japanese schoolgirl in another life. That's how much I love Hello Kitty."

"One of my favorite things about doing movies is that you get to do different things you'd never do in real life."