"So it's always a process of letting go, one way or another"

"The tigers have found me and I do not care."

"It was like the beginning of life and laughter. It was the "real" meaning of the sun"

"Too often the people complain that they have done nothing with their lives and then they wait for somebody to tell them that this isn't so."

"It wasn’t my day. My week. My month. My year. My life. God damn it."

"...in that drunken place you would like to hand your heart to her and say touch it but then give it back."

"Without literature, life is hell."

"What a weary time those years were -- to have the desire and the need to live but not the ability."

"Life's as kind as you let it be."

"You have to die a few times before you can really live."

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."

"Scent, sound or sight, beneficent, malign – Who cares if you’re a blessing or a curse, So long as you bring light,"

"The life of our city is rich in poetic and marvelous subjects. We are enveloped and steeped as though in an atmosphere of the marvelous; but we do not notice it."

"But what does it matter what reality is outside myself, so long as it has helped me to live, to feel that I am, and what I am?"

"If rape or arson, poison or the knife Has wove no pleasing patterns in the stuff Of this drab canvas we accept as life - It is because we are not bold enough!"

"Unable to suppress love, the Church wanted at least to disinfect it, and it created marriage."

"The insatiable thirst for everything which lies beyond, & which life reveals is the most living proof of our immortality."

"As a small child, I felt in my heart two contradictory feelings, the horror of life and the ecstasy of life."

"What strange phenomena we find in a great city, all we need do is stroll about with our eyes open. Life swarms with innocent monsters."

"My father's right to shape my life had been taken from him by the same being who gave his own life meaning"

"And then I was crying too, crying with Danny, silently, for his pain and for the years of his suffering, knowing that I loved him, and not knowing whether I hated or loved the long, anguished years of his life."

"> Why does everything that lives have to die? < So life would be precious, Asher. Something that is yours forever, is never precious."

"It is my deepest belief that only by giving our lives do we find life. I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness is to sacrifice ourselves for others in a totally non-violent struggle for justice."

"It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity."