"The weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish good results while the strongest, by dispersing his effort over many chores, may fail to accomplish anything. Drops of water, by continually falling, hone their passage through the hardest of rocks but the hasty torrent rushes over it with hideous uproar and leaves no trace behind."

"Live this day as if it will be your last. Remember that you will only find ''tomorrow'' on the calendars of fools. Forget yesterday's defeats and ignore the problems of tomorrow. This is it. Doomsday. All you have. Make it the best day of your year. The saddest words you can ever utter are, ''If I had my life to live over again. ''Take the baton, now. Run with it! This is your day! Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they were going to be dead at midnight. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."

"Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don't look back at it too long. Mistakes are life's way of teaching you. Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals. No one wins them all, and your failures, when they happen, are just part of your growth. Shake off your blunders. How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will come."

"I Know not everyone will like me, but this is who I am So if you don't like it, Tough!"

"Recently I started to appreciate my body a bit more from before I had kids. But it completely changed, and I have had to work hard at getting it back to where it used to be.... I used to be obsessed with working out."

"I like to work out. I like a routine. I'm kind of simple. I eat almost the same thing every day. I like Caesar salad."

"The person who has lived the most is not the one with the most years but the one with the richest experiences."

"To live is not breathing it is action."

"We are born, so to speak, twice over; born into existence, and born into life; born a human being, and born a man."

"The person who has lived the most is not the one who has lived the longest, but the one with the richest experiences"

"I'm pretty normal, you know?"

"Justin Timberlake is everything, and what more could you want in a person? He's funny. He's cute. He's great. He just understands. I get him and he gets me, and that's cool."

"Every man has the right to risk his own life in order to save it."

"It is too difficult to think nobly when one thinks only of earning a living."

"I'm into the food in Vegas. I'm willing to go to nice restaurants for sushi and stuff like that."

"I would really, really, really like to be a legend like Madonna. Madonna knows what to do next, and when she's performing, the audience is just in awe of her."

"I guess it's because I do have a younger audience that, you know, parents worry about the role model thing. But when I was younger, I looked up to people, but I never wanted to be them. I always had my own identity. I'm an entertainer when I'm on stage, and they need to explain that to their kids. That's not my job to do that."

"I live the life of a farmer. I don't see how I could wear Lagerfeld's designs while feeding my goats. I have respect for Lagerfeld as a man, but I would have so much more for him if he, in turn, respected animals. We do not live in the same world."

"Yes, I've often been threatened by hunters, by horsemeat butchers, and seal murderers... I am still alive!"

"It's the decomposition that gets me. You spend your whole life looking after your body. And then you rot away."

"A film about my life? But I am not dead."

"My private life became public."

"I really wanted to die at certain periods in my life."

"I never do anything by chance."