My dad always said, 'Champ, the measure of a man is not how often he is knocked down, but how quickly he gets up.'

Corruption is a cancer: a cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity; already-tight national budgets, crowding out important national investments. It wastes the talent of entire generations. It scares away investments and jobs.

The effects of climate change are real and must be acted on.

My father used to have an expression. He'd say, 'Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It's about your place in your community.'

If you need more than 10 rounds to hunt, and some argue they hunt with that many rounds, you shouldn't be hunting. If you can't get the deer in 3 shots, you shouldn't be hunting. You are an embarrassment.

Our future cannot depend on the government alone. The ultimate solutions lie in the attitudes and the actions of the American people.

Folks, I can tell you I've known eight presidents, three of them intimately.

So when your sister or your friend is standing there and moaning about whether she looks really fat, and actually she looks gorgeous, tell her so and support each other.

Since signing up to Think Act Report, the majority of members are taking more action and publishing more information on gender equality.

The UK's most forward-thinking employers already know they need to attract, retain and promote the best talent - both male and female.

As minister for business and minister for women and equalities, it is clear to me that promoting equality of opportunity simply makes good business sense.

No-deal Brexit can and must be stopped. To do that, MPs across Parliament who oppose it need to stand up and be counted. The options available are limited, and we must come together around a workable plan.

There is no form of Brexit that will be good for our country but a no-deal Brexit will be the most catastrophic of them all.

I believe there are millions of people across the country who are crying out for someone to stand up for liberal values.

While the problems facing the country are huge, it is in times of great disruption that we can make the most important changes to our society and help to rebuild our fractured, broken politics.

Politics now is fractured. The rising tide of nationalism and populism threatens to consume our politics. Whether it is Trump or Putin abroad, or Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage at home, our political order is increasingly dominated by forces that seek to divide us.

To take on the forces of nationalism and populism, we need to rally a liberal movement that offers a positive, alternative vision for the kind of country we want to be.

Our country deserves a party that isn't afraid to say immigration is a good thing, or to say that Donald Trump is racist, or to admit that we have an economic system that is fundamentally broken for too many people and is breaking our planet too.

Those fundamentally liberal values - openness, inclusion, internationalism - are what truly represent the best of Britain, and it's those values that I'm determined to fight for as leader of the Liberal Democrats.

Boris Johnson has only ever cared about Boris Johnson.

I rage when Boris Johnson is more interested in sucking up to Donald Trump than standing up for British values of decency, equality and respect.

It's very hard for politicians to ignore even just a handful of letters about the same issue.

Much of the responsibility to get more women elected is down to political parties. I am proud that a third of Lib Dem MPs are women, and I know we must work harder still to spot and nurture talented women at all levels in our party.

I want the UK to be a global leader in developing and deploying technology, but I also want us to ensure that the benefits are fairly shared across society.