If your aim is to give practical, sensible advice about losing weight - and not how to drop a stone in five days - you should encourage reasonable expectations, instead of dangerous ones, along with exercise and healthy eating.

My experience in government is there is a whole host of unintended consequences you have to think through. I can't un-know that, I find it harder now to offer simple solutions.

In the cut-throat political system we have in the UK, you have to be prepared to put your head above the parapet and be confident in your ability to get the job done.

One of the initiatives I have pursued in Parliament has been to make it easier for the public to see what their MPs do in the House of Commons by removing the ban on Parliamentary filming appearing on YouTube or similar web sites.

Having studied politics doesn't necessarily give you political nous.

As Minister for Women and Equalities, I introduced shared parental leave, extended flexible working rights and won government support to bring in gender pay gap reporting. I'm not going to lie: it was a constant battle.

Since 2016 we've been campaigning to improve the rights of renters, especially those on low incomes who are being ripped off by stratospheric admin fees, which puts them at risk of homelessness.

One of the things I love most about Lib Dem members is that for all our policy disagreements, we agree on why we're Lib Dems in the first place.

Two weeks into looking after a newborn, you don't necessarily feel as if you've got it all under control. It's just turned your life absolutely upside down, and I think there are a lot of parents who would feel that having the opportunity for both parents to be around in those early weeks would be something that would be really, really valuable.

I want to stay in the European Union which is the best trade deal we could possibly have, but we need to call out racism.

Whether it is throwing people under the bus or writing a lie on the side of one: Britain deserves better than Boris Johnson.

I'm not supporting Jeremy Corbyn. If we are to have an election I would fight as Lib Dem leader as the party of remain that hasn't equivocated on this like Jeremy Corbyn.

Shared parental leave is good for dads. Looking after their newborn on their own is a unique learning experience.

You look at the sports pages and you'd often be forgiven for thinking women didn't do sport.

A book I often refer to by Naomi Klein is called 'No Is Not Enough'. It's not enough to be against something. You have to actually be for something. A better alternative. For me, that's about transformation.

Far from the quick and easy exit that Leave campaigners once promised, Brexit has become mired in its own internal contradictions.

There are five main barriers to women entering politics - I like to think of them as the five Cs: cash, caring, culture, confidence, and the closed club.

If we want a Parliament that understands people's lives when it takes decisions, it needs to be representative of society, which includes having MPs who are parents of small children - both mums and dads.

By stopping Brexit, investing in skills and providing tailored support to key industries, we can get the UK economy back on track and help the communities that have been hit hardest by the threat of Brexit.

We will never achieve equality in the workplace until we have more equality in the home. Our plans for an extra four weeks of parental leave specifically for fathers will help tackle the assumption that parenting is one of the 'girl jobs'.

My childhood was a mix of ballet classes and debating society. I liked arguing. As a teenager, I wanted to be an author. Later on, inspired by Young Enterprise and the Body Shop founder Anita Roddick, I decided I wanted to go into business.

I knock on lots of doors, but you don't reach everyone that way - Twitter is just one of many ways of keeping in touch.

I know as an aunt, you fall into the trap of turning to your niece and saying, 'you look beautiful' - because of course all children do look beautiful - but if the message they get is that is what's important and that is what gets praise, then that's not necessarily the most positive message you want them to hear.

The piece of legislation that I'm so excited and delighted to be doing is shared parental leave.