Taken slightly historically, the turning point in the E.U. was actually the Single European Act, the Thatcher/Maastricht-era stuff, which was turning the E.U. into very much a market system.

There is not going to be a peace process unless there is talks involving Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas, and I think everyone knows that.

Mum and Dad met campaigning on the Spanish civil war. Both were active peace campaigners. They died in 1986 and '87.

Politically active people felt more and more disenfranchised, particularly during the ultra-New Labour years.

We've got to stand up for what we believe in as a labour movement. And that means the party's membership needs to be even bigger so it becomes a genuinely mass organisation.

I understand the principles of dissent in parliament.

What I find appalling is the intrusive nature towards my extended family.

I do not own a car, and my main form of travel to Westminster and in my constituency is by bicycle. I also take my bike on trains to meetings in other parts of the country, which enables me to see other cities and the other parts of the country.

In my own constituency, the benefit cap has had the effect of social cleansing: of people receiving benefit, but the benefit is capped; therefore, they can't meet the rent levels charged and are forced to move. It's devastating for children, devastating for the family and very bad for the community as a whole.

What I remain opposed to is the idea that David Cameron could go around and give up workers' rights, give up environmental protection, give up a whole load of things that are very important.

If you want a more productive economy, you need to invest in the skills of our workforce.

It is time we recognised the huge contribution that migration has made to the economic growth of this country.

It is the right of a democratically elected parliament to act in defence of our traditional liberties, and everything should be done to keep it that way.

The Spanish Civil War, Britain was not involved in it. Going back a bit, there was the naval blockade to stop the slave trade in the 19th century; that was morally just. Shame they didn't bother to abolish slavery at the same time.

We are developing a media policy which would be about breaking up single ownership of too many sources of information so that we have a multiplicity of sources.

I want everyone to put their views forward, every union branch, every party branch, so we develop organically the strengths we all have, the imagination we all have.

I have already said and will continue to say that I won't respond to personal abuse, and I never make any personal abuse, ever, to anybody. I just don't do that kind of politics.

I've been proud to be the chair of the Stop the War coalition, proud to be associated with the Stop the War coalition.

We are one of the richest countries in the world, and there is absolutely no reason why anyone should have to live in poverty.

I've been in Parliament since 1983, and I've been involved in many issues over the time.

To give everyone a house and garden is very difficult in urban areas.

I think we should all be accountable to our parties, but I also think that accountability should be a process of engagement: that MPs do engage with their constituency parties, do engage with their constituents, and MPs do change their minds on things because of local opinion.

We oppose the benefit cap. We oppose social cleansing. We will bring the welfare bill down by controlling rents and boosting wages, not by impoverishing families and socially cleansing our communities.

Every penny paid to a PFI company is money withdrawn from those waiting for an operation, money removed from the training of clinicians, and money denied for life-saving treatments.