It is important that politicians defend their ability to act without fear or favour, and it is in the public interest that they hold ministers and public servants to account.

It is opposition to economic orthodoxy that leads us into austerity and cuts. But it is also a thirst for something more communal, more participative. That, to me, is what is interesting in this process.

If there is 'right to buy' for council tenants and housing association properties, then why shouldn't that apply to all tenants? Some landlords are decent, very caring people, but some of them are truly appalling.

I've got lots of stamina; don't worry about that. I cycle every day - it's OK.

I am just an ordinary person trying to do an ordinary job.

I have always had a very busy life. The difference is that a lot more people are helping advise me what to do, and a lot more people are observing what I do. But in terms of time and working schedule, it is not that different from my normal working week.

Tony Benn and I were very close, very close friends for 30, 40 years. We talked to each other a great deal, and we were great friends. And I was with him shortly before he died, talking about prospects of the world and prospects for peace. And I'm very sad that he's gone.

Obsession with the market seem to prevent ministers looking at the huge problem and all its ramifications in health, education and employment that come from the housing insecurity that too many face.

Our problem in the 2015 general election was that for all the good stuff that was in the Labour manifesto, we were still going to be freezing public sector wages, cutting council expenditure, laying off civil servants. We were offering 'austerity light' instead of a real alternative.

Loyalty is about the party and the movement... if you want a better and more effective party, we've got to open ourselves up much more to our membership and our supporters.

Mexico is becoming the northern part of Latin America, not the U.S.A.'s southern outpost.

For the absolute avoidance of doubt, my leadership will be about unity, drawing on all the talents - with women representing half of the shadow cabinet - and working together at every level of the party.

Some colleagues have said they would not be very keen on working with me, but I am sure these things were said in the heat of the moment.

You pay more in wages, get more in in tax, you get people living a higher standard, you get more money. It's a kind of circle.

I still have the Triumph Palm Beach I was given for Christmas when I was 11. By today's standards, it is heavy and slow, but was my pride and joy at the time.

After only two or three weeks in office, we discovered we had a backlog of 100,000 emails sent to me. We had a backlog of a thousand invitations to speak at places all over the country - and all over the world, for that matter.

I think we should talk about what the objectives of the party are, whether that's restoring the Clause Four as it was originally written or it's a different one, but I think we shouldn't shy away from public participation, public investment in industry, and public control of the railways.

A more productive economy in the long term will bring us higher tax revenues, but that requires long-term investment in infrastructure and the skills necessary to grow a balanced economy.

I have dealt with a pretty interesting mix of young people, many of whom have never been involved in any form of politics at any level who are interested in alternatives to austerity and debt, and older people who left the Labour party, mainly over Iraq, who are coming back in.

Diversity in media is something that is intrinsic to a democratic society. We do not want the whole media owned by one person.

I'm not joining in personal attacks... I don't do personal attacks.

We live in a very unequal society.

I find if you are in an office, the crisis finds you. If you're not in the office, the crisis finds somebody else.

There is nothing wrong with my heart except for wanting a peaceful world.