You talk about leading Republicans. That's no easy task on just like you were trying to lead Democrats on the other side. We all have independent thoughts and independent ideas.

The Health Care Compact simply gives a state like Oklahoma the option to create a customized system that better meets the needs of Oklahoma families.

I still strongly support a full repeal of Obamacare.

The Health Care Compact is a way for states to protect their residents from the top-down, one-size-fits-all health care 'solutions' that have been imposed from Washington D.C., including Obamacare.

The only way to make government more efficient is to make it smaller and to make it more local.

We're facing serious issues. We can either complain about it or try to step in and solve it.

ISIS has leadership, just like al Qaeda has leadership. It's important to be able to eliminate the individuals that are leading the organization.

Al Qaeda likes to coordinate, have a central command to be able to send out emissaries around that they have highly trained and say, 'This is the moment we're going to do a large-scale attack.'

What they have done, ISIS is very well outspoken about how much they hate our freedom, who we are as Americans.

I understand the significance of being one of 18 senators in Oklahoma history.

We still have a major problem in debt with America that we have to find efficiencies in government to get us back to a balanced budget.

I believe that conservative solutions can help families of every race, every economic background, and every town in Oklahoma.

I believe that being conservative means you try to get in to the middle of the fight and try to solve the problem.

I just don't believe that being conservative means all you do is throw stones and poke people in the eye.

It's ironic, isn't it, that one day you're one of the most conservative members, and then some individual gets mad at you, and they decide to throw millions of dollars against you because you didn't vote exactly the way they want every day.

The different Washington, D.C.-based groups and the different special interest groups, they all want to be able to pick who they want to be a senator. They don't speak for everyone, and they definitely don't speak for Oklahomans.

At times, conservatives become defined by their volume rather than by their ideas.

We must go through every area of the federal budget to isolate waste and abandoned projects.

America is strongest when families take care of each other and walk with one another through need and loss.

Broken families not only affect the people involved, but they have an impact on public policy decisions in Washington, D.C., and state capitols around the nation.

The future of our nation is dependent on the future of our families.

We have two programs dealing with bulletproof vests, two different systems of actually distributing bulletproof vests from the federal government. Two sets of applications, two different sets of personnel to approve those applications.

The wind industry has made major strides over the past two decades, and they have proven their industry to be efficient and self-sustainable. There is no need for the taxpayer to continue to subsidize a wind start-up tax credit.

I am a fan of an all-of-the-above energy strategy, and I certainly support wind as a large part of that goal.