Personally and politically, I'm extremely conservative for who I am, but I'm also very careful in my tone.

My focus has always been: I can be an incredibly conservative, principled idea person, but that doesn't mean I have to shout at people.

I am proud to join the many state legislators, governors, businessmen and hard-working Americans who have worked to build support and momentum for the idea of the Health Care Compact, and I am proud to introduce the common-sense bill for this sensible solution.

I don't want to go home and tell my wife and my girls, 'I was gone last week because I had to do a press release.'

I'm one of those folks that look and say the Old Testament laid out clearly the path for Christ to come, but when He came, every scholar at that time missed it.

There is no one leader that's going to unify all of Syria that suddenly everyone is going to go, 'Yes, that's a logical place.' They're not unified. They don't have a setup succession like we do in the United States.

One of the hardest areas is duplication; everyone knows there's lots of duplication in government. But when you ask someone, 'OK, name two programs that are duplicative,' typically there's a long pause.

The number of fighters that are ISIS fighters wouldn't fill up most American football stadiums. This is not a large group of individuals, but they're tenacious, and they rule with absolute terror.

Personally and politically, I'm extremely conservative for who I am, but I'm also very careful in my tone. I don't believe just because you're a conservative that you're angry. I can be plenty frustrated and not have to constantly portray myself as upset and angry at the world.

We have a very structured process for taking in refugees. It takes almost two years to transition from another country into the United States through the refugee process.

There is a way for the IRS to be able to have a double check to make sure individuals don't file on your Social Security number early and try to get a tax return and make it chaotic for you to file your own taxes. That's not been done.

The First Amendment is first for a reason - it cannot be ignored by the D.C. City Council.

Race and sexual preferences are two different things. One is a behavior-related and preference-related and one is something inherently - skin color, something obvious, that kind of stuff.

Hillary Clinton has her own issues with just her own arrogance as a leader; that has been well known for a long time.

Christmas is a great time to recommit to each other and our communities.

It's very difficult for the family members of ICE agents, and it's very difficult for ICE agents to know what's right and what's wrong and why should I get engaged and go out there and enforce the law when I don't know what it means any more to have consequences.

There's a Biblical mandate to reach out to those who are the orphans, the widows in their distress, to take care of the stranger in your land. But that does not mean citizenship.

We've overmedicated kids. Quite frankly, some of the overmedication of kids are because welfare moms want to get additional benefits, and if they can put them on SSI through maintenance drugs, they can also put them on Social Security disability and get a separate check. That is wrong on every single level.

Every person is also a citizen of some country. In their country, they have rights and responsibilities. In every other country, they are a guest.

The Congressional Prayer Caucus has worked successfully to advocate for and protect values that are fundamental to the fabric of our nation, and I'm honored to serve as co-chairman.

I'm in favor of dealing with Iran and dealing with the nuclear issue, but I'm not in favor of a bad deal.

I keep Reagan's 11th Commandment that I don't run down other Republicans.

Spanish Explorers celebrated Christmas in 1539 in the area we now know as the State of Florida.

If we care about life and the dignity of all life, then we care about the dignity of all life, and that includes the human life of children.