I've been proud to call Southern Nevada home for more than 35 years and it's been an incredible place to work, raise a family, care for my parents and volunteer in the community.

I'm supporting plans in Congress to fully ban bump stock devices and prohibit the sale of high-capacity magazines.

I support comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to full and equal citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are playing by the rules, staying out of trouble and contributing to our economy.

I've been working tirelessly in the House to help ensure Nevada does not become a dumping ground for the rest of the nation's nuclear waste, and I will continue that fight in the Senate.

Congress needs to work in a bipartisan way to fix the Affordable Care Act, not repeal it.

What we have to quit talking about is border wall. We need border security.

Palliative care is something that you don't know you need until you're in the space where you need it, either from someone who has a terminal disease, like my mother, or for people who live with chronic disease and have particular issues that need care.

Anybody who has been in a relationship, raised a family, worked in business or been a systems analyst, you have to look at how the whole system works together. You have to find those opportunities to collaborate.

I was ranked the fifth most bipartisan freshman when I went to Congress, and I think that my motto really is, 'Agree where you can and fight where you must.'

I feel the American people are resilient.

No one should have to go to school with a bulletproof backpack or be afraid to go to synagogue or church or a restaurant.

One thing you have to be very careful on when you work in health care is this: when you make a sweeping change, you can't wait to see what falls through the cracks. What could fall through the cracks is somebody's life. You need to move thoughtfully and carefully with a plan incrementally.

It's really great to have Harry Reid or whomever come say, 'Oh you're terrific.'

I think the Fight for 15 is a great fight. I think, unfortunately, depending how the Congress works out, we may have to get there in increments.

Counterterrorism, cyberterrorism, it's real.

ICE does a lot of other things that people don't realize. They work on counterterrorism, cyber security.

The first thing I tell women is this: They think that coding or being in any computer field is very solitary, very solemn, that you're just set off in a cubicle somewhere and it's not social and it's not creative. I would tell them that it's the furthest from the truth.

When you start a new job, a lot of times everybody's been there a long time and so you think, 'Oh, it's going to take me a while to make friends and do all that.'

Every day I get up and I try to do the very best I can.

It's always better to be for something than it is against something.

I think, deep down, women know that we are the saviors of our families, right?

I am a granddaughter of immigrants, put myself through college as a waitress, and I started my career as a computer programmer.

Thinking I'd be in politics just wasn't something I'd thought of as a younger woman. There just weren't a lot of role models there.

What happens in Israel should be decided between Israel and the Palestinians.