As to the euro zone avant-garde, it must go towards more solidarity and integration: a common budget, a common borrowing capability, and fiscal convergence.

I am a newcomer. I want to remain a newcomer. That is my DNA.

Really, creation and innovation are part of the French DNA.

You need basically some accountability rules, which means democratic checks and balances at the euro zone level, and definitely, you have to increase convergence in terms of taxes, in terms of social affairs and so on.

We have the force, the energy, and the determination, and we will not give in to fear.

Popularity isn't my compass. Unless it can help one to act, to be understood... that's what counts.

The only way governments or would-be governments respond to ills these days is by seeking to lower the temperature... and that tends to mean public spending.

When the president and the prime minister decide to implement reforms, they have all the measures they need to pass them and enforce them.

Brexit is the other face of the refugee crisis - tensions that lead to stasis, external risks that lead to asymmetric shocks.

I think when people have pudding and jobs, they vote for you.

I will protect and defend France's vital interests. I will protect and defend Europe.

What matters to me is to find rational solutions for those that are facing difficulties so that France preserves jobs and its ability to innovate.

Our mission... it will be difficult, it will take time, it will be demanding for all men and women... will be to act in such a way that French people of the Muslim faith are always more proud of being French than of being Muslim.

I come all wreathed in a reputation the press has made for me. Judge me on my actions. That's all that counts.

France has to accelerate in terms of reform.

Never boo or hiss at my rallies. That is for people with no hope.

We have to provide more visibility, more certainty to the investors and reduce the cost of failure.

We need to go faster on structural reforms in France.

It's about our ability precisely to integrate a people and offer jobs, and that, for me, is one of the key rationales of the reforms I'm pushing, and I'm a strong believer in that when you lift barriers, when you deregulate a lot of stuff, basically you improve the equality of opportunities.

The state has an offensive and defensive role to play as promoter of industrial policies, as regulator and as shareholder.

France has to reform, to recover, and get more competitiveness.

Europe and the world are waiting for us to defend the spirit of Enlightenment, threatened in so many places.

Consolidation means less equipment, less networks, and less jobs.

We ask our companies to restructure; we ask employees to work more for less money because there is overproduction, but then we're unable to defend them from cheaper Chinese imports. We are insane.