We can't fix the real problems if we only cauterize and don't treat the roots of evil.

I realised how much the system did not want to change.

You can block a marriage, but you cannot force a marriage.

I push reforms. I tell the truth to people, even when it's tough for the country.

The status quo leads to self-destruction.

The refugee crisis shows we can't be isolated from the world's geopolitical troubles.

I am not a socialist.

People find it difficult to accept something that is sincere and unique.

I am attached to a strict approach to Brexit: I respect the British vote, but the worst thing would be a sort of weak E.U. vis-a-vis the British.

I am not shy. I am for an open society. I am for a progressive world. I do not propose to reform France; I propose to transform it at its deepest level.

You have to learn to fight for things, to bear the burden and have a life which does not in any way correspond to other peoples' lives.

We are implementing an in-depth reform on labor market, not to reduce rights for workers but to provide more visibility and more efficiency to investors and employers because it's the key for job creation.

Historically speaking, the French economy was largely driven by the demand side.

I want to become the president of all the people of France - the president of the patriots in the face of the threat from the nationalists.

Through work, education, and culture, I will give hope to our country.

A Left that does nothing achieves nothing.

My key message is be innovative, be ambitious; think global and big on day one.

To avoid the trap of Europe fragmenting on the economy, security, and identity, we have to return to the original promises of the European project: peace, prosperity and freedom. We should have a real, adult, democratic debate about the Europe we want.

I touched the limits of our political system, which pushes one to last-minute compromises. Explanations are rarely given. It plays to people's fears because it hasn't built an ideological consensus. It produces flawed solutions and too often ignores reality.

Globalization can be a great opportunity.

To create greater convergence, we need more intergration.

I don't have luxurious tastes or great needs, but my independence is worth a lot to me.

I don't want a tailor-made approach where the British have the best of two worlds. That will be too big an incentive for others to leave and kill the European idea, which is based on shared responsibilities.

I am not just a liberal movement. I come from the progressive Left. I am trying to refresh and counter the system.