Although we can never fully repay our veterans, on Veterans Day we thank our veterans for their selflessness and commit to do what we can to improve the quality of life for our veterans and military families in communities across America.

As we celebrate Labor Day, we honor the men and women who fought tirelessly for workers' rights, which are so critical to our strong and successful labor force.

Elections are about choices, and part of what you do is draw that contrast.

From fully funding nutrition programs to protecting children from liquid nicotine poisoning, I have focused many of my efforts in Congress on advocating for polices that invest in our most valuable resource - our children.

Civil rights and women's rights and gay rights all take time in this country.

We can and must do our part to increase the number of Syrian refugees being resettled in the U.S.

Clearly, we are courting tragedy by turning a blind eye to marketing gimmicks plainly intended to turn children into gun enthusiasts before they are even old enough to buy a firearm of their own.

Since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School three years ago, we have lost over 90,000 Americans to gun violence. This is a manmade crisis that needs to be treated as the public health epidemic it has become.

We need to develop clean, affordable, and reliable energy sources, and frankly, we need to license that technology to the rest of the world.

Gun violence is a plague in all of our communities, and we must come together to stop it.

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has shown us what can happen when we ignore the warning signs of lead poisoning and corroding pipes.

I support religious liberty, but I also think it is very important as a Republican Party that we bring a compassionate tone when talking about women's health care issues, when we talk about pro-life and pro-choice.

Millennials don't believe that government is the most effective in solving problems, and that lack of faith in big government is an opportunity for Republicans to win over millennials.

President Obama's greatest failure is his failure regarding foreign policy and national security.

I was the first candidate to announce my run on Instagram. So that was kind of cool.

I was in the same class as Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard. So we really experienced Facebook in a unique way. It launched our sophomore year, and we were also the first class where it became a recruiting tool.

I think the more women we have running for office the better.

I think being a young woman is a strength.

I understand firsthand that Washington is broken.

I had this perception based on my own frustrations with Washington, but I didn't realize until I launched this campaign how much people are looking for a new generation of leadership and a new approach in Washington.

The United States must continue to support efforts made by Middle Eastern governments to educate Muslim youth and steer them away from violent radicalization.

Women are bipartisan. We bring a different perspective on every issue. And I believe that every issue is a woman's issue.

We need to encourage young women to run for office and become civic leaders in their own communities.

As the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, I certainly would not be here today without the passion, dedication, and activism of Elizabeth Cady Stanton.