It is imperative that Congress provides adequately funded and stable budgets which allow us to support Afghan personnel and ensure that Afghanistan does not become a breeding ground for terrorists again.

When I travel throughout the district speaking with families and educators, I frequently hear of concerns with our K-12 education system.

President Obama has piled on more taxes, more regulations, more debt for future generations and higher health care costs - hurting our Main Street economy.

I think the more women we have in leadership positions, the more women will see examples, can see themselves in those roles.

I was rowing the boat alone against a tide, running against an incumbent in 2013.

As a member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus, I'm committed to finding consensus on legislation to address our environmental and energy challenges.

I am committed to helping our farmers in any way that I can.

Military families are resilient through countless relocations, leaving friends, networks and transitioning to new schools and new jobs while fitting in to new communities.

When our natural habitats become overrun by species that are not native to these areas, they can damage the environment, pose health risks, and even hurt our local economy.

Technology is the foundation of the empowerment economy.

Standing beside each brave servicemember is a spouse with their own unique professional dreams and career goals that shouldn't be stifled by the constant transitions that our military families are subjected to.

Our most important job in Congress is to provide for our national defense, and therefore, every year, Congress allocates funds and determines defense priorities in a bill known as the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA.

Nothing replaces hard work.

Zebra mussels like to hitch a ride on boats when they're transferred from one body of water to another. It's important to make sure to thoroughly clean your boat each time it leaves the water to ensure these invasive mussels are removed and that you are not spreading them to your next location.

There is still much work to be done to help our students secure good-paying jobs and achieve their ultimate goals, and in Congress, I'll continue to support Career and Technical Education programs.

We must continue to ensure that the legacy of the Greatest Generation is preserved and protected so that all Americans can work to embody the ideals and values of those that came before them.

Standing beside each one of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines is a loving, supportive, and dedicated family whose sacrifice is a true service to our great nation.

Thank you to our farmers for all you do to keep food on our tables.

In reality, victims of human trafficking are often left voiceless and completely unseen by society.

Americans did not suffer alone. World trade overall fell two-thirds in the first few years of the Depression.

When the Smoot-Hawley bill landed on President Herbert Hoover's desk, more than 1,000 economists urged him to veto it. Tragically, the president ignored their pleas.

European-style interventions to which the Obama administration is inclined will not make America more competitive in the world-wide economy. Such policies will not increase growth, will not decrease unemployment, and will not increase wages for workers.

The Democratic Party's governing elite has long believed there is no problem that European-style policies cannot cure.

The Obama administration likes to say that it is 'pro-worker.' But something is amiss when its labor priorities are forcing unionization and labor contracts on American workplaces, and denying union members information on how their dues money is spent.