I would like to go back to the private sector at some point.

I wasn't born into one of the two main parties, but both my parents had a strong sense of social justice.

My family have shaped my politics more than anything else.

Jeremy Corbyn is a Brexiteer. This guy has always wanted us to leave the E.U.

In 2016, we all thought Remain would hopefully win.

I'm boring, man.

Look, I like my music, and I don't have a conventional background for a politician, but I'm pretty conventional in many senses.

My father had hammered into me, you want to look after your family, you want a nice house, and you want to be able to enjoy yourself, and you have to work very hard for those things. Don't think the world is going to come to you.

I had to grow up very quickly.

We have a commitment to making sure that the U.K. remains a member of the European Union.

There is a danger in believing your own hype.

My father, when he arrived in this country found it difficult.

I get quite bemused by the comments made about what I wear because, for African people, how you dress is very important.

My dad always made a big thing about having well-cut suits. It's partly a cultural thing, but for him, looking sharp and presenting yourself well was very, very important.

Brexit is not going to solve the causes of Brexit.

I honestly do feel like the luckiest man alive. I have a beautiful daughter, an amazing wife and not everyone has that. My close mates always laugh at me because I say I'm blessed, but I don't know what I did to deserve it.

I wasn't one of those people who had some grand plan to become Prime Minister. I'm a normal person. When I was being foolish in my twenties, when I was at university, I wasn't thinking I was going to become an MP.

I have multiple identities, never mind ethnically but in other respects... and it's even worse when they try to do it by reference to other people. This stupid term, 'Blairite,' that gets used in the Labour Party as a form of abuse, in spite of the fact this guy won three elections.

I don't like being pigeon-holed.

We are pro-West, and we are not anti-liberal.

The Labour perspective is often very preoccupied with either the super-rich or those who don't have work - but doesn't have nearly enough to say to those who do have work, on incomes that may not mean they get benefits or tax credits, but are not well off people.

The reason I have been so outspoken on antisemitism is that racism is racism - and my family have been victims of it.

People may not know what tier of government has competence over which policy area but they do draw a distinction between the local and the national.

It was a Labour prime minister who appointed the first black male and female cabinet ministers.