It is free enterprise and the determination to succeed which generates opportunity and wealth for our society, and in doing so provides the money we need to deliver the high quality public services that we all want.

Travel costs should not be a barrier to opportunity for our young people.

Unlike Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party, I am not ideologically obsessed with the structure of our rail network; for me it is a matter of practicality.

The railways should be run in the best interest of passengers and, overall, taxpayer's money should be spent improving the network, not subsiding it.

I'm very mindful of the need to ensure we have a criminal justice system in which people have confidence.

I want to be the Tough Justice Secretary.

The trouble with the SNP is they want power without responsibility. They do not want to take difficult decisions.

Scotland is a great country. It's integral to the U.K.

The SNP talks a lot - but they have proved that they cannot deliver.

It's not good enough to announce 'I know my rights' if you aren't prepared to accept that you have responsibilities to society and your fellow citizens as well. And if people don't live up to those responsibilities to our society, they will not be able to hide behind their rights.

During the late 1940s, Europe was a pretty bleak place.

Police on the street need the discretion to deal quickly and easily with routine misdemeanours which need to be recorded but need not take up court time - and where there is no doubt about guilt.

The typical prisoner has numerous brushes with the law before finally being sent behind bars. Each year thousands of cautions are issued to people who will come back to crime again.

We need society, and particularly the victims of crime, to believe justice is being done.

Britain cannot afford to allow a culture of Left-wing-dominated, single-issue activism to hold back our country from investing in infrastructure and new sources of energy and from bringing down the cost of our welfare state.

The Human Rights Convention was written by Conservatives in the aftermath of the Second World War. It was designed to combat the risk of another Holocaust, and to try to stop people being sent to prison camps without trial.

If the law is wrong, it is for politicians to sort it out.

All too often politicians sign treaties in a hurry, without reading them properly, and without understanding where they will lead.

All too often, ambulance-chasing has been simple fraud. People are encouraged to launch a claim for whiplash when no one has been injured. Phone calls ask you to claim for accidents that never happened.

European businesses will want to retain free-trade access to the U.K. - their biggest export market.

We take back control of our laws and Britain will be a proud independent nation again.

I want to see prisoners getting support that is every bit as good as that which they would receive from the NHS in the community.

Prison is not meant to be comfortable. It's not meant to be somewhere anyone would ever want to go back to.

When you talk to unemployed young people you hear one thing above all others - if you haven't got experience how can you get a job? But if you don't have a job, how can you get experience?