We need to modernize an outdated agency, bring it into the 21st century, and ensure that the VA is better equipped to treat the health and psychological issues that are unique to our veterans.

As a young woman, I was fortunate to have the leadership of Jeanette Hayner, the courage of Jennifer Dunn, the faith of Elisabeth Elliot, and the indomitable spirit of Margaret Thatcher to guide and motivate me.

When one joins the military, he or she is promised health care for life. So we need to make sure that happens.

We can build a better, more representative democracy through technology and ensure what Abraham Lincoln called the last, best hope for Earth will endure past the 21st Century.

America has long been the land of immigrants.

I think it is important that we respect that women have different political views.

It's going to take every American playing on the same team - and everyone trying to be the best version of themselves - to make America great.

With the right policies and regulations, the opportunities for American medical advancement and scientific innovation are boundless.

States know better than the federal government how to allocate and manage resources to address the needs of their people.

Top-down government programs threaten to limit the freedom and opportunity that made this country great.

Private ownership of property is vital to both our freedom and our prosperity.

With each generation, women's ability to live the lives they choose reaches a place their grandmothers never thought possible. But that doesn't mean everything is perfect or that our work is finished.

Eastern Washington families and businesses should be able to deduct every penny of state and local sales tax they pay throughout the year from their federal tax bill, especially when people in most states are deducting their state income taxes.

Technology has changed almost everything. One institution remains stubbornly anchored in the past. It's where I work - the United States Congress, a 19th Century institution using 20th Century technology to respond to 21st Century problems.

Politics is about everything we do from the moment we get up in the morning to the minute we go to bed at night. It's something everybody and anybody can be involved in.

In the public mind, when they think of politicians, sadly they probably tend to think of men in grey suits doing work behind closed doors at Westminster. I want to get away from the idea.

I don't think politics just happens in Parliament. It happens on the streets and in classrooms.

I think there is a role for non-violent direct action when democratic channels have failed.

There are lots of things one can criticise about the European parliament, but it does work pretty well in terms of the speed with which you can vote, the fact that there's room to sit, the fact that there are offices when you arrive.

I think the Greens are posing some of the most important questions of our time, for example how we live sustainably on a planet of finite resources and a rising population, and how do we do that in a way that doesn't exceed environmental limits and which is fair.

Reminding oneself that not all rules are good rules and sometimes it's good to challenge them is an important part of being an effective parliamentarian.

We have always been a party that has had policies on everything, from education to the economy to the environment. We have always said that, if you are serious about the environment, then the policies that you need to change most are the economic policies.

I've been in the Green party for a very long time - when was it, 1986 - and I joined the party because I seriously wanted the party to have influence.

I do think that if people are taking the time to think about their environmental footprint when it comes to how many flights they take, whether or not they have a 4X4, whether or not they are going to have a patio heater, then putting the question to themselves about how many kids they are going to have is a reasonable thing to do.