I'm not philosophically opposed to raising the retirement age... I accept the fact that I may have to raise my retirement age for that.

We need to have our conservative version of what health care looks like, and that will include a repeal of Obamacare.

We've got to have comprehensive tax reform.

House Speaker Paul Ryan has actually started using a phrase lately - 'Raise our gaze.' He's exactly right, too. That's what I'd like to see in a presidential candidate. I don't like the bricks being thrown back and forth. That's not inspiring to me and to most of our electorate, I think.

I want to see the next Reagan. I want somebody who brings out the good in Americans and challenges us to aspire to that North Star, someone who wants to empower our families and individuals and communities and let them be free to achieve their dreams. That's what's going to make this country again.

Like tens of millions of Americans, I will not vote for Hillary Clinton and desire to vote for a bold, conservative leader.

I was incredibly angry to see Mr. Trump question a judge's motives because of his ethnicity.

Mr. Trump needs to show how he will address the critical issues on the minds of Americans: national security and economic opportunity for hardworking American families. Americans need to see more vision and less trash talk.

I don't endorse people that bash judges based on his ethnic heritage.

As you get larger, it is harder to have focused discussions. Because one of the things I've learned about Congress over the past four years that I've been in is there's no shortage of opinions about how things should be done on any particular subject.

The Republican Study Committee was started and has grown to be sure that we create and promote, advance and execute conservative policies for the betterment of hard-working American families.

I believe in term limits. I believe the country would be hugely better off if we had more turnover in Congress.

I will term-limit myself probably before I would have enough seniority to get a committee chairmanship.

What I'd like to do is continue a private sector, free market Main Street types of policies. And those include less regulation. They include a fairer, flatter tax system.

A lot of small towns in Texas have only volunteer fire departments. And even though they're called volunteer fire departments, they are usually very professional and have great training and usually have good equipment.

If we build the legal immigration system better, then they come here, and we'll have a whole lot less illegal immigration.

I think what we need to do is to have an immigration system where legal immigration is easier.

America's history is exemplified in the efforts of the men and women who died for our country. The one thing that they all have in common is their selfless love for our nation and their courage to stand up to protect and defend it. They raised their gaze in the face of conflict, believed in what America could be, and pushed forward.

Going forward, we must continue the fight to change the direction of our country.

From the depths of the Pacific to the deserts of Iraq, more than a million American soldiers, Airmen, midshipmen, and Marines have laid down their lives for their friends, their families and our nation.

On Memorial Day, we remember the service of those brave military men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending and protecting our freedoms.

Under many current state laws, minors who have been victims of trafficking are charged as criminals and go to juvenile detention as offenders.

Imagine having all of your freedoms taken away, being forced to work against your will, and constantly living under the threat of violence - in short, being forced to live as a slave. Sadly, this situation is a reality for millions of children, women, and men each year as part of the global human trafficking industry.

Any agreement with Iran should have strong verification and enforcement safeguards to prevent future cheating.