Iran continues to explicitly threaten to destroy the state of Israel, America's most important ally in the region. Its leaders continue to shout, 'Death to America.' If Iran wants to be a part of the world community, it should renounce such statements.

For years, Iran has worked to position itself to dominate the entire Middle East and to impose its version of radical Islam on society. It is actively working to destabilize Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria.

The Obama administration's proposed nuclear deal with Iran endangers the security of our nation and our allies.

The lack of portability and competition has long been a problem in America's insurance market, yet Obamacare took no significant steps to open up the market between state lines.

With Obamacare's fate in jeopardy, Democrats have no solutions to solve the mess they forced upon Americans.

By fostering competition, leveling the playing field, and increasing transparency, we can bring America's health care sector into the 21st century.

Medical care is one of the only sectors in which Americans are asked to make significant, long-term decisions without knowing the exact price of those decisions up front. Americans deserve to make informed decisions about their medical options.

All the issues that have come up under the Obama administration would be continued under Hillary Clinton.

I fully recognize we need to improve the path to citizenship, just as we need to value the hard work of folks who become American citizens legally.

Healthy marriages are the ones between a man and a woman because they can have a healthy family, and they can raise children in a way that's best for their future, not only socially but psychologically, economically, from a health perspective.

The single best indicator of whether or not a child is going to be in poverty or not is whether or not they were raised by a two-parent household or a single parent household.

If taxpayer money were limitless, we wouldn't need a budget at all.

No child's dream should be limited by the quality, or lack thereof, of the education they receive.

I look forward to talking about how we can work together to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for all students while also refocusing the federal role in education.

Assault in any form is never OK, and I want to be very clear on that.

Where conflicts are identified, they will be resolved.

I will not be conflicted. Period. I commit that to you all.

As a mom, I just can't imagine having a child who would feel discriminated against for any reason, and I would want my child in a safe environment.

No student should feel like there isn't a way to seek justice, and no student should feel that the scales are tipped against him or her.

They say that if you voted for Donald Trump, you're a threat to the university community. But the real threat is silencing the First Amendment rights of people with whom you disagree.

The faculty, from adjunct professors to deans, tell you what to do, what to say, and more ominously, what to think.

Trump's vision continues taking shape.

We won't accomplish our goals by creating a new federal bureaucracy or by bribing states with their own taxpayers' money.

When it comes to education, no solution, not even ones we like, should be dictated or run from Washington, D.C.