We have left and right; religious and secular; Druse; ultra-Orthodox women. Unity is very important.

We cannot agree on everything but we must agree on the framework.

Israel needs to stay a Zionist country with a Jewish majority in a democratic system. Eventually, Palestinians should have some kind of independency.

We all need a government that solves our real problems and is not preoccupied with itself.

There is only one U.S. for Israel, there is only one Israel for the U.S.

A country is not managed through cousins and confidants.

Every decision of strategic importance needs to go through the relevant institutions, certainly the sale of submarines to neighboring countries.

Israel has to come before everything. It cannot be Bibi everything.

I support Israel to be a Democratic, Jewish and safe country.

A two-state solution cannot be promised without having negotiations first.

I do not wish to slander his name, I think Netanyahu ran the country well but his time is up.

Israel's interest is all I care about.

Responsibility for the security of the land of Israel will remain in the hands of the IDF and the IDF alone.

Would the Benjamin Netanyahu of the eve of the election want me to get hurt? Regretfully, I would say so.

It bothers me when I look at Israeli society, on the divisiveness in it, and to polarization. I'm not just talking about left-right... but how individuals behave towards each other.

Internal unity means that external security issues can be dealt with.

National unity does not only have to occur when swords are swung at us.

Will we forever live by our sword? We definitely will live with our sword. I don't think our children or grandchildren won't be soldiers. We must make efforts to try and not live only by our sword, but we will always be with a sword.

The citizens of Israel come first.

We cannot separate Judaism from the Jewish State; we have to decide how to live with it.

I don't want to separate religion and state, I want to settle it.

It's important to be able to sit together and form a government of the majority that serves everyone, and not a government of minorities that takes care of itself.

Anyone who cooperates with BDS is operating against Israel and it is a form of antisemitism.

2012 will be a critical year in the connection between Iran gaining nuclear power, changes in leadership, continuing pressure from the international community and events that happen unnaturally.