No Israeli leader is a king.

There's no shame in striving for peace.

I pledge that the personal safety of Israeli citizens will not be futile.

The Blue and White government, led by me, will assemble the strongest security cabinet against terrorism and restore deterrence.

The tension between Jews and Arabs tears us apart.

The struggle between right and left rips us apart.

A prime minister cannot preside over Israel when an indictment has been filed against him.

Netanyahu is no king, his government sows division and incitement.

We're not ashamed to use the word 'peace.'

When I'll... form a government, I don't intend to cooperate with those who go against the State of Israel.

I recommend voting Blue and White, but I respect any decision.

I will not sit with Netanyahu in the government!

We must learn to live together, and the framework of Zionism must know how to include everyone.

After Operation Protective Edge, I visited every one of the bereaved families. Religious and secular, rich and poor, Sephardi and Ashkenazi, Jews and non-Jews.

In a place of pain, there is space for everyone.

The capital of Israel is Jerusalem, no matter what.

Not like other countries, we will never ask anyone to fight for us.

On my watch, Iran will not become a regional power. And I will not hesitate to use force when needed.

We are Jewish soldiers. Our battle orders include the rules of engagement and the Ten Commandments. The computer code of the F-35 and the moral code of the prophets of Israel.

I am a soldier. That is who I am. That is what I do.

Trust me, I am proud of our country. I will never be ashamed of it.

My family, my friends, we live in a democratic country and people have the right to express their opinions.

I love Israel, am proud of it.

Israel is truly, for me, before everything.