Rick Ross has good beats, if some more questionable content.

I do listen to Drake.

I think hip-hop has always been political because this is a community that doesn't have any other choice.

My favorite rappers are a lot of other people's favorite rappers. I love Jay Z, Kanye, 2Pac, Biggie, old Mos Def.

I was more interested in journalism and fact-finding than other things, so I didn't plan to work 30 years as a lawyer.

If you would have said, in law school, would it be more likely that I would be working on a book or on a TV show, I would have said book.

Younger viewers have a very strong detector for what's real and legit and what's phony or pandering.

There's a lot of hip-hop that's oriented toward a progressive view of America because it's oriented toward a civil rights progress and a critique of the power structure.

I remember buying The Fugees' 'The Score' my freshman year and feeling like this whole new world and this whole new conversation was opening up to me.

TV can keep you honest because the viewers really do listen. People who have succeeded in this have shown the audience how hard they work and that their reporting is really worthwhile.

I've worked in government. I've worked in competitive New York litigation, I've worked as a writer and reporte..

Honestly, anchoring the news on a nightly basis is the hardest job I've ever taken on.

The Trump administration has struggled with ethics vetting for Cabinet nominees and faced criticism for the president's decision to remain invested in his business empire.

Iowa has long been heralded as a bulwark against the money and media that dominate the modern presidential race. Its caucus requires voters in every precinct to actually gather in a room, at one time, and listen to neighbors pitch their chosen candidates, before they are allowed to vote.

Only in Washington can the pursuit of a conservative agenda, with centrist policies, be depicted as liberal reform.

Large majorities of voters support taxing millionaires and protecting social security.

Many candidates use a political autobiography to sell their candidacy.

The first-in-the-nation Iowa caucus is crucial for every presidential campaign.

Iowa is especially critical for underdog and cash-strapped campaigns, because the caucus system relies on grassroots organizing, enabling candidates with time for retail politicking to beat better-funded rivals. So underdogs usually seize on the state.

The first rule of hip-hop is probably keep it real. And that can mean a lot of different things, but that's certainly important in reporting and storytelling.

The president's powers are always open to being questioned by the co-equal branches of government.

President Obama does not usually accuse Republicans of being too hawkish.

In American politics, there's a recurring fantasy, nurtured by the press, about 'courageous' politicians who do the right thing against their political interest. But really, isn't it even more encouraging when the right thing has just become good politics?

In politics, your opponent can be far more important than your vision.